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Community Avg
3.17 - "Solid" 

Whitetail Deer ... a buck in a patch of Teasel

This stand of Teasel provides cover for the Deer and other wildlife because it is dense, and stands over 5 feet tall. It also provides food, as these prickly seed heads each contain hundreds of tiny thistle-like seeds that are eaten by not only the Whitetail Deer, but also Pheasants, Downy Woodpeckers, Goldfinches, and other songbirds.

Photographed in western Montana.

Canon 1D Mark 4, 400mm f2.8 with 2x converter, ISO 1250, f6.3, 1/125th of a second

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Looks great. Really dig that pattern of the teasel and the buck to break it up.

Thank you, Jonathan!

gorgeous capture!