In 1983, the BBC aired a documentary series called "Master Photographers" interviewing and showcasing some of the most influential photographers of all time - from Alfred Eisenstaedt to Bill Brandt to Andre Kertesz. In this episode, the great Ansel Adams and his penchant for cowboy hats and bolo ties. Adams was unquestionably brilliant. It's one thing to read his thoughts from a book; it's another thing entirely to hear them.
My personal favorite moment in the documentary is when he goes through three entirely different processes of the same negative, some processed with years in between. Ansel Adams, in his earlier years, was a pianist. He compares the original negative to the score of a composer. The print is the performance, and the performance could be interpreted in different ways and with different feelings depending on who was creating them. Ansel was, of course, always the master.
Loved seeing this. I took several workshops with Adams and then was a teaching assistant at his workshop series for 8 seasons. He was clearly one of the greats.
Very cool. So much to learn! :)
And don't forget to watch the 1957 Documentary. I've posted it some time ago on my blog:
BBC Master Photographers
Here is something for you all to find.
I remember about 15 years ago, in college, watching a video on Ansel Adams. In it, it showed Adams working in the darkroom. I remember it showing him doing the initial print, then tearing it up, marking +1, +2, +3, -1, etc. on each of the pieces, then going back to the darkroom to do his magic.
Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Have a link to the video?