We fell head-over-heels when we saw CineStill’s 35mm 800T film, repackaged from Kodak cinema film. Beautiful golden skin tones, cool shadows, and that ever-difficult-to-explain magic glow, brought the beauty of true filmmaking to the still format. It’s been a long wait since the 35mm format was introduced in 2012, but today, CineStill launches their high-speed, tungsten-balanced cinema film in the 120 format.
We could scroll endlessly through a gallery of these images. They’re absolutely stunning. And to have that quality and color response come into a format more akin to that of the 65/70mm IMAX film that directors such as Christopher Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, and J.J. Abrams have been using recently is a real treat.
CineStill offers a variety of packages for would-be backers of its IndieGoGo campaign from a single roll of 120 film to a mixed bag of 800T in 120 and 35mm in addition to the company’s alternative daylight-balanced 35mm option, 50D. Want 1,000 rolls of the new 120 film? You can do that, too.
In addition to perks that let backers save five percent on future CineStill orders, stretch goals – which CineStill is very likely to reach given that the project is already over 35 percent funded in just a few hours – will unlock additional options.
Head over to IndieGoGo now to grab your pack of CineStill’s 120 800T film. I’ll beat you there.

I just purchased a Hasselblad 503. - That's great news! Not just for me, but for everyone who loves shooting film.
I'm also waiting for the Ferrania package to arrive. Not sure what's happening there. The last video they released just showed a huge construction site.
Only thing the initially stopped me from backing was the (non) clairty on if it doesnt meet the target if pledges would be fullfilled or not... theyve cleared that up today, they will be. But looking at the prices and all the gubbins that comes with it, I wont back. Good luck to them, look forward to seeing the results but Kind of tired of all this crowdfunding lark now.
Crowdfunding certainly has its downsides (i.e. too many poorly planned projects trying to take off thinking they have the next big thing). But when it's a reputable (but small) company that's doing great things, it's easy for me to back it. Crowdfunding gives these smaller companies a way to raise funds so they don't have to borrow from a bank. You get the benefit of a discount if you're willing to part with your cash for a few months in the meantime... It's a fairly decent deal in these cases...
I get that, and i've had similar convos with other photographers that will just back because its film and can afford to back it. For me and a few other guys that i've spoken to, all these crowdfunding for companies, I dont know ... it doesnt sit well. I will wait and hope it goes to retail: pledging for for one roll isnt worth it for me.
That's super exciting. FWIW a lot of the sample images are from a photographer named Sandy Phimester, you owe it to yourself to check out his work, it's incredible. https://sandyphimester.squarespace.com
Great news! Thanks for this article. Hope to get some rolls in July. :)
Perhaps it's because I grew up on film, but I find nothing here that makes me go "wow!". I don't really see the attraction here. I'm glad there is a film option for those who like to shoot neg stock. I prefer to shoot positive stock on my Bronica GS-1. I suppose if I still had access to full blown color printing darkrooms I would shoot more neg.