Magnanimous Media posted a video detailing some of RED's newest technology as they go through the performance of the sensor in the new 6K-capable Epic Dragon. In what is perhaps one of the most interesting and visually appealing ways to display RAW and ungraded vs. graded footage, Magnanimous Media's video shows quite some promise for the new sensor that promises better color, dynamic range, and low-light shooting with clean video at ISO 2000.
In addition to the "First Look" video, Magnanimous Media produced a dynamic range test that can be seen below:
What do you all think? For a camera that could doulbe as your 100fps 19MP DSLR, I think it's pretty impressive. Its price certainly says so...
(Note: for best results, you can download the "First Look" and "Dynamic Range" videos.)
I have been using the Red Scarlet-W for a while now which has the dragon sensor. And back in 2014 it was super impressive. Now the dragon sensor are still a good performer but I'm not sure if I will use RED cameras in the future. They are quite cumbersome and heavy. Sony cameras today will give you a great result but lack in bit depth whereas the Blackmagic cameras are well worthy competitor. Their pricing is insanely good value.
Here are a few videos I shot on the Red Dragon sensor: