A few months ago Fstoppers teamed up with Peter Hurley to produce the 6 hour tutorial Illuminating The Face which covered all of the intricacies of lighting a person's face in a studio environment. Thanks to Profoto, today we are releasing an additional chapter for free.
In Illuminating The Face Peter wanted to teach the viewer about all of the different types of lighting styles and modifiers available today. Since Peter would constantly be changing modifiers, we decided to use only one lighting brand because we didn't want to have to deal with multiple speedrings and mounts. We also wanted to show the effects of each light modifier in real time, and Profoto heads were perfect for that since they also have proportional modeling lamps. As many of you know Peter uses Kino Flo panels for his headshots but he uses Profoto gear for his strobe lighting needs.
We flew up to New York with some of our Profoto gear and combined it with Peter's but we still needed more. We approached B&H and they were kind enough to supply us with every other piece of gear that we needed to film the tutorial.

Lighting examples from Peter's Illuminating the Face Tutorial
Thousands of people have now watched Illuminating The Face and eventually the people over at Profoto saw it as well. A few months ago they approached us and asked if we could make a follow up chapter to our tutorial that would take the knowledge learned in Illuminating The Face outside and light subjects on location with their new battery powered B1 strobes.
Peter Hurley set up 2 incredible shoots with 2 celebrities who will be starring in major movies coming out in the next few months. To watch this 40 minute chapter completely for free, head over to Profoto's landing page here.
thanks Fs and PH
Let me know how you guys like it
I'm looking forward to this excerpt - Hurley is great!
I just finished watching this video.
As always, fantastic and inspirational work and Peter just makes it look so damn easy. There was a lot to take away from this and now I've got some new tricks to try on my next shoot.
Thanks Peter & the Stopper team.
The password I received doesn't work. Is available for download in all countries? I checked the password several time..
it failed the first time but it works when I had to include ! sign and delete any spaces
Loved the video. Problem is, my 6D only goes 1/180 sync speed. I could use an ND filter, but filters and my EF 135 f/2 don't get along..
Those Phase One cameras are terrific. I have a pretty decent camera, but somehow i'm starting to feel that one must have a good tool, and the Phase One cameras with that Sync Speed are just the thing!
soon or later Profoto B1 will have HSS functionality, and then all DSLR will rocks
I don't think i'll be seeing many Profoto B1's here in Portugal. Only thing we see nowadays around here are russian bombers. Other than that, we are lucky we can get our hands on some Elinchrom units. Maybe in Spain (Madrid) we can find Profoto stuff.
I shoot with a 6D as well and that shutter speed sync is my biggest hiccup with it. I am always running into trouble with that because I want to stop down that background without actually changing my Fstop. And ND's are not the same because then my speedlights aren't as strong! I feel your struggle!
Damn right, i allways have to pickup darker areas. I know there are some flashes that can sync with the camera up to 1/500, even so, it's hard to get things right, the price you pay for the flash units, plus the right triggers. Better buy the Phase One or Mamya camera, anything with a Leaf shutter. Don't know how does Pentax 645Z works on this department, sure as hell it is a nice camera.
Yessir! Can't wait for the day I get my hands on a Phase One.
Having the same problem with the password. Getting the message:
"Oops...Sorry, the password seemed to be wrong, please try again" even when I copy it paste directly into the link.
We are trying to figure it out. Are you outside of the US as well?
I'm reading below that if you copy and paste the code you might be picking up a "space" that is causing it not to work
The code that was e mail wont work...What is the solution guys...
Don't copy paste the code! Write it! Worked with me, and if it has a "!" in the end, it's part of the code!
Not sure if this will help, but there is a space right after the password when I copied it from the email, it worked after deleting it...
Thanks Everett Rodriguez that did the trick...
Fixed password issue: obviously it was my fault. I forgot to insert the latest character of the password (the complete password is highlighted in the email you received)
fantastic watch. most impressed. thanks peter, lee and everyone involved.
thanks for the great video!
you know guys i just watched free sample (thanks for this opportunity) and i really think that this one is totally out the ground i mean 10000 bucks medium format camera (with fast sync?) 15000 bucks lighting with modifiers... who are consumers for this video tuts? pro who have such an expensive equipment? they already know this stuff... or is it just Profoto ads?
i absolutly sure that Peter is massive pro dont want to offend anyone just my first expression about first half...
Peter is so full of energy...
it cool to see how he work with model...
nice to see how he explain the things he do...
or maybe i just dont get right this video
i will get million dislikes +)
I can assure you that you can be a professional photographer without having a medium format camera. I never plan to own one and I've never even used one before. It's easy to get caught up on the gear but there is so much to learn here.
Once you become a successful photographer you can splurge and buy the most expensive cameras and lighting but you don't NEED it. The techniques are the same with Phase and Profoto gear as they are with a digital Rebel and speedlights.
I agree, I think he is super talented hell he is doing what I wish I could do full time which is full time photography but when you mention in the beginning "people starting out in photography" then I see a 4 light setup with multiple vagabond I am confused. I don't care about the brand name of the gear but I am a little confused by the intention of the video. I shoot in natural light all of the time and I rarely pull out my vagabond and travelites, most times it is a reflector and/ or a speed light. I have a hard enough time of not getting kicked out of a place when shooting with my 70-200 f2.8 let alone doing a full on production with lighting softboxes and battery packs. I guess I was expecting something totally different from this video. I am grateful for the video, so thanks for sharing.
hey guys, says that password is wrong. Please advise.
I'm getting the oops error. I've tried manually typing the password in with no such luck. Yes, I included the exclamation mark.
Lee, any other suggestions?
What a great 40 min... I learned so much not only about lighting and running a Shoot, but also how to be straight forward and actually direct a model... I haven't seen the previous fstoppers/Hurley content but I feel like it my be one of my next purchases!!! Thank you
A true one of a kind: Peter Hurley.
Pass not working.
where is the download link??
its free on youtube now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbPS6-KFStE