Fstoppers Reviews the Xcellon HDD RAID Docking Station

Storage is cheap, or so we've heard. But, for many professional photographers, storing and backing up large volumes of images while also keeping up the transfer and read speeds we are accustomed to can wind up being very expensive. RAID docks are a great alternative to purchasing dedicated RAID drives, and the new Xcellon dock provides a cost-effective alternative. However, does it stack up in the long run?

RocknRoller MultiCart: The Most Useful Tool In A Location Photographer's Kit

Ever since I briefly introduced it in my Photographer's Grip Kit video, people have been emailing and messaging me regarding the utility cart I use to haul gear around a job site. As a result, I figured a video was in order to talk about the cart in more detail, along with the modifications we've made to better adapt it to our workflow.

UPDATED: Adobe Creative Cloud Experiencing Issues

I am not sure how widespread the issue is, but for some of us who updated to Apple's latest OS, Mavericks, Adobe Creative Cloud doesn't seem to be functioning fully. Some Fstoppers staff are reporting the inability to access their cloud files, inability to update their apps, and in an extreme case, the inability to even open any Adobe apps. So we ask, how is it working for you?

Patrick and Lee Critique the Community Episode 2

Last week Lee and I did our first ever Critique the Community where we looked at 20 images from the Fstoppers Community and gave our honest review of them. It was such a success that we have decided to do it again. This week we review 21 new images, rate them on a scale of 1-5, and give advice about how they could be stronger portfolio photographs.

DJI Releases Presets to Correct Barrel Distortion on the Mavic 2 Pro

The Mavic 2 Pro can record video in 10-bit, but this mode suffers from significant barrel distortion on the edge of the frame. DJI acknowledged the issue and created presets and values to correct this problem in Premiere Pro, Final Cu, and DaVinci Resolve.

Flying High: We Review the Sigma 100-400 f/5-6.3 for Fuji X Mount

Over the years Sigma has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality lenses, known for their performance, quality, and affordability, and this new lens for the Fuji X-mount is no different. With this telephoto addition, the current Sigma lineup consists of 4 prime lenses, and a zoom, giving us 6 lenses in total with a rumored 7th in the very near future.

BTS - Outdoor Catalog Shoot In Jasper National Park From Lars Schneider

This behind the scenes video from Lars Schneider, would no doubt be a killer shoot to land.

The location for the outdoor catalog shoot took place in Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies last September for Ortlieb, a company that makes various bags for outdoor activities.

Is Tagging Your Photos With GPS Coordinates Useful?

I’ve been making a tutorial about the Map Module in Lightroom Classic for the Dutch Photographic community. It can be a lot of work collecting and adding GPS data to your images. Does this information have any use at all, or is it just nice to have?

Photographers Under 30, Here Is Your Chance to Work With Broncolor Gear

It’s become a tradition: every year, Broncolor offers select young and talented photographers a chance to access some of the best strobes and light modifiers for free for two years. The lucky ones are chosen through a competition called "Gen Next," which is now open for 2017.

5 First Aid Kits Every Photographer Should Own

Whether you have a full-time production studio, only shoot on location, or just do a little landscape or bird photography for fun on the weekends, you should own at least one of these first aid kits possibly even 2 or 3 of them.

Behind the Scenes for Reebok CrossFit Asphodel

In today's behind the scenes video commercial photographer Mike Pickles takes us through the process behind his recent work for Reebok via the agency Illume Visuals. Before you press the play button let me say this: To figure out his lighting setup you're going to need to pay attention and use some imagination because it's only touched on briefly. However, if you keep reading after the video I'll help break it down a bit. To get you started here are the time-stamps of the individual sections so you can get to the parts you want to see easier:

Use Your Lightroom Presets in Photoshop With Preset Brewery

Let’s face it, many photographers these days utilize Lightroom presets to either expedite their workflow or to help spur creativity when they are in a rut. But have you ever wanted to use a Lightroom preset as a layer in Photoshop, or potentially layer two presets together? Well look no further, Preset Brewery by Adam Bardon makes life easy with a click of a button.

Annie Leibovitz Photographs Profoto Founder Conny Dufgran

Everyone knows Annie Leibovitz is one of the most, if not THE most, well known photographer in the world. Her images evoke a strong sense of story, drama, and beauty. It's not surprising why so many advertising agencies choose Annie to take their clients' portraits. In this video Annie Leibovitz puts Profoto co-founder Conny Dufgran in front of his own lights for a series of environmental portraits. Like most of Annie's behind the scenes videos, you really have to pay attention to the details because she isn't going to spell it all out for you. The first time I watched this video I noticed how much feathering she does with her medium octaboxes, how she controls fill light with large black cards, and even a little on how she directs her subjects. I also like the magic arm trick she uses to get her softlighter closer to her subject...I might have to steal that one. If you have any tips you have taken from Leibovitz share them in the comments.
Go Behind the Scenes at Resource Mag's Cover Shoot with Casey Neistat

The current issue of Resource Magazine features YouTuber and filmmaker, Casey Neistat on the cover. In this video you get a look behind the scenes at the high-energy shoot featuring several different looks with the always-entertaining Neistat, a team of photographers, food stylists, and more. You're not going to want to miss this one.

Fstoppers Review the Capture Pro Clip From Peak Design

Just like motor vehicles have critical parts that are crucial to the safety and functioning of the vehicle, so too do photographers have gear that they need to work every time to get the shots they desire. It’s what makes you able to get the shots you want and it also gives you your unique style which translates into your photography and work. Second to that, you get the items that change and improve your process of making images. And with the style of photography I pursue, often straight from my bike, the Capture Pro Clip is one of those game-changers.

Successful Photographers Agree: Your Most Valuable Gear is Your Mind

I thought he was crazy at the time, but my college photography professor Richard Ross had little interest in teaching us the finer points of lighting and retouching. Instead he believed, “Anyone can learn those skills, I’m going to teach you how to think.”

Fstoppers Reviews the Tahquitz Backpack

As someone that always seems to be on the hunt for that perfect camera bag for every occasion, I know there is no shortage of options. But in my everlasting search, one bag I have always been lacking is a good camping backpack that could also carry some camera gear. The backpack style bag I have had in the past have either been great camera bags, or great camping bags. When I saw the Tahquitz backpack though, I got excited.

The Photographer's Guide to Buying Your First Dedicated Video Camera

If you're a photographer interested in exploring video, there is a plethora of options available for you right now. Since the launch of the Canon 5D Mark II around a decade ago, video functionality has been a growing part of every DSLR and mirrorless camera to date. But there's always a trade-off when it comes to hybrid cameras. Here's why you should consider buying a dedicated video camera if you want to diversify your work and make video a dedicated service along with your photography.

Polaroid's Socialmatic Will Be Here This Fall

If you haven't heard about the Socialmatic already, let's get you up to speed. A while back there was this crazy idea to make an actual Instagram camera. Something that would not only share your images on the popular service but, allow you to print that same image with the device (like a Polaroid camera). Originally it was just a what-if concept from ADR Studios. Then it got such an incredible following that Polaroid decided to run with it and started talking with Instagram about making this

Fstoppers Interview With Julian Berman

I have been following Julian Berman's work for a long time now. I first discovered his stuff around the same time I discovered Odd Future. Julian has been documenting Odd Future, aka his friends, since early on. At just 21 years old he has accomplished a lot, and only continues to grow more and more.

New World's Largest Photograph is an Astounding 365 Gigapixels

Italian photographer Filippo Blengini embarked on a mission to take a panoramic photograph of Mount Blanc, Earth's 11th tallest mountain. After 70,000 individual photographs, 46 terabytes consumed, and 2 months of editing and processing later, the photo taken by Blengini and his team of five is currently the largest photograph in the world. Check out this video for a brief overview of how they did it.

How to Get Creative Images by Using On-Camera Filters

Since digital cameras came into our lives like a storm a decade ago we photographers became more dependent on post processing programs and many times prefer to achieve the needed result by retouching instead of using on-camera products and in-camera settings. "I'll just fix it in post" is something we all say to ourselves during photoshoots, but it's not always the right or smart thing to do. This video gives a short overview of some of the less known lens filters many photographers don't even know exist and shows how it can elevate images in no time.

Learn Capture One’s Basics with Pratik Naik and Get a Chance to Win a Free License

It’s not every day that you get a chance to learn from the best in our industry for free. Even if that’s just a 20-minute long tutorial, there’s always something to take away! Phase One teamed up with retoucher Pratik Naik to offer you a simple and comprehensive video on color toning in Capture One.

The Photographers Weight loss Challenge

If you are anything like me, you're extremely active during the summer and once winter rolls around you become a hermit and the pounds pack on. For those of you attending our Bahamas photography workshop, you may be interested in our photographers weight loss challenge.

[Video] : Lightpainted Reality: A Free Light Painting Documentary

See Hannu Huhtamo, Janne Parviainen "Jannepaint" and Pekka Parviainen in this 25 minute long documentary about light painting, directed, shot and edited by Nico A. Eloranta. This video is subtitled but if you are the observant type you will learn quite a bit from this one. Image samples and the video are in the full post.