The Golden Ratio? Psh. That's so 2016. If you want to really take your photography to the next level, it's time you step up to the Platinum Ratio.
What is the Platinum Ratio?
Good question. The Platinum Ratio is like the Golden Ratio on steroids. It's the secret ratio we use for everything here at Fstoppers, from composing shots to figuring out the ideal champagne-to-orange juice ratio in our mimosas. Here's how it works.
Platinum is one of the rarest elements, far more valuable than gold. Its atomic number is 78. Seventy-eight RPM is exactly how fast many popular records were to be played, and what shape are records? That's right. They're circles. The circle of life. Seventy-eight is the number of life, and platinum is the material of life. But what's the actual ratio?
Well, I'm glad you asked. A good life balances the head and the heart, so we need to find a numerical balance between the two. Well, per Wolfram Alpha, the average human heart is approximately 4.7 inches in length, 2.4 inches in depth, and 3.1-3.5 inches in width. My friends always say I have a big heart, so we'll use the upper measurement on width, which gives an average heart size of 39.5 cubic inches. Also per Wolfram Alpha, the average size of the human brain is 79 cubic inches (suspiciously close to the atomic number of platinum). What's the ratio of the human heart to the human brain, then? Well, 79 divided by 39.5 is two, exactly! The brain:heart ratio is 2:1! The Platinum Ratio is 2:1!
In Photography
This means that every image should be three parts total in each dimension: two parts heart and one part brain. To put this into action, I created a special grid in Photoshop.
As you can see, since the brain is two parts and the heart is one, or three total parts, I've separated each dimension into three equal parts and singled out the intersections as the important points of composition, as this is where the brain meets the heart. I call them the "platinum points." They are where we will find the platinum balance, the balance of brain and heart, the balance of life. Let's put it to work! Here's a recent image of Cleveland:

Chemtrails confirmed!!!
You'll notice that I placed the lighthouse (the foreground object of interest) almost at the platinum point. It's slightly off, but we'll count it. Hell, the brain:heart ratio is slightly off in most areas of my life (read "my dating life"), but I just roll with it. And besides, just because we're talking about precise mathematical quantities doesn't mean we have to be precise in our application of them. It's art. Life is messy. Write that down. You're welcome. Furthermore, note that the top of the skyline is along one of the brain:heart lines. That's because Cleveland is a city of heart, but we also have a lot of universities here, so it's a city of brains, too.
Here's a recent headshot in which I applied the brain:heart ratio.
You'll immediately notice I placed her eye right at one of the platinum points. Furthermore, her head and brain reside in the upper two horizontally oriented compartments (I really wish I could come up with a simpler term for those), while her heart is in the lower horizontally oriented compartment (really, there has to be a better way to say that... please tell me if you think of something), just like the ratio says they should be. Compositionally, it's a perfect photo. I just wish her gold chain was platinum. Alas.
Note: I'm currently in the process of trademarking the Brain:Heart Platinum Grid and related techniques. If you use them in any of your photos, please remit a royalty of $20 plus 45% of all profits to Alex Cooke, c/o Fstoppers.
Advanced Platinum™ Techniques
Once you've mastered the Brain:Heart Platinum Grid™, you're ready for more advanced techniques, including Platinum Angles™ and Platinum Circles™. Check out this image from a recent wedding:
Let's examine all the compositional decisions I made when taking this photo.

If you want your photos to really shine, you really need to be thinking on at least six distinct levels of composition and metaphor while taking them.
Platinum Points™: Notice that the couple is at one of the Platinum Points™. Marriage represents the union of two minds and hearts, and similarly, the couple stands at the compositional union of the brain and heart.
Red: Remember that platinum is the circle of life. Similarly, the couple is walking on a Platinum Circle™ together; they now share the same circle of life with one another.
Yellow: Platinum is canonically associated with the number 78. Notice all the 78-degree Platinum Angles™ between the shrubbery, a bench, and even the lens flare and the couple.
Orange: The supplementary angle to 78 degrees is 102 degrees. As such, just as the path in the background supplements the path in the foreground, the 102-degree angle at which it cuts across the frame supplements the plethora of 78-degree angles in the foreground.
Dark Blue: Illuminati confirmed!!!!
Light Blue: It looked like a spiral fit there.
Green: The angle of the lens flare from the sun mirrors the radial angle of the couple to the center of the circle. The couple is on the circle of life, and they are awash in sunlight, the giver of life. You'll also note that it again forms a Platinum Angle™.
There are other Platinum™ devices at play in this image, but I started running out of colors and room in the image to show them. The ones I've listed above are a good start. Try putting them to work in one of your own images.
The Brain:Heart Platinum Photographic Compositional System™ is a versatile and complete method of creating compelling, worthwhile imagery. Through mildly strict adherence to the Platinum Grid™ and Platinum Points™, you can create images that blast the rule of thirds to smithereens, and through the use of Platinum Angles ™ and Platinum Circles™, you can leave the Golden Ratio in the dust. So, when you're composing photos, just remember: why go golden when you can go Platinum™?
You're right, just can't make a Mimosa without that sweet Platinum™
That'll be $20 and 45% of any profits on this image. Thanks for using the Brain:Heart Platinum Photographic Compositional System™!
Sorry, I don't offer refunds on the Brain:Heart Platinum Photographic Compositional System™.
BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Have a beer bro... this is "gold"...
Hahaha Love this. You must have read that silly article on petapixel that covered a photographer who had studdied Anzel Adams work and "discovered" his use of the golden ratio. If you haven't I think you'll get a kick out of it.
Just noticed they have another one up about the diamond ratio. Funny stuff
Glad you enjoyed it! I figure we could always use a little humor in life. :)
Have to admit ... I started reading this article and I was thinking "OMG ... another brainless attempt at overlaying mathematics on composition." a la the Petapixel piece of garbage. Then I realised that, yes, indeed it was a brainless article - exactly as intended. Well done, Alex - like it.
Great break from the norm with a little humor! Appreciated!
My pleasure! :)
No, just don't.
Please cover the secret negative prime integer that all good HDR photographers apply to make people on Facebook comment "Golly you must have a great camera!"
The "secret negative prime integer." Ok, that one made me laugh hard. Well done!
Honestly clicked this article 100% ready to be thoroughly annoyed by the content haha you got me :p
My constant goal in life is to pleasantly surprise people. :)
I read the Petapixel article right before browsing over this way. Funny as h**l man! I feel like we need to invent a term for photography that is similar to bro science for gym rats. There's some new stupid ratio coming out every week for some magical perfect composition.
How about Platinum Photography™? ;)
I devised the plutonium system for truly explosive photography. If I share it with you I'll have to kill you though, sorry about that.
I feel like we're just going to keep moving up the periodic table.
There is also the Steal Rule. :-)
(c) Dejan Smaic 2017
A little satire goes a long way...nicely done
Glad you enjoyed it! :)
Sometimes your articles are completely Stupid
Ha ha, that is gold! Ahem, I mean, platinum! Love it, that was hilarious.
Thanks, Simon!!
That was very funny. Thank you.
My pleasure. :)
is there a way to 'dislike' an article? Petapixel did a satire on ratios like 3 days ago and no one liked it either.....I agree with the commenters who feel this was a waste of time.
nvm, I found the dislike button
It only took you an hour it would seem.
oh snap!!!. good burn
what a petty response, get a life
Me too!
Me too.
Have to disagree with you Mr Barratt. The Petapixel article sure didn't read like satire - more like a piece of self-indulgent mysticism, especially since the author was so willing to plaster his name all over Ansel Adams' photos. BTW - if you want to be amused, check out the (Petapixel) author's website. Read some of the utter nonsense he posts, and you'll have to conclude that the Petapixel article was absolutely true to form, and certainly not intentionally satirical.
Loving all the comments from people with sticks up their great personalities. Fun read, and a nice change!
In the future please note articles like these as NSFW as Illuminati references and paraphernalia are not allowed in most work environments.
Tom... three letters... three sides to a triangle... OH!!!
Bought the Alex Cooke Guide to Advanced Platinum™ and my image sales septupled before the money had left my account. 10/10; would buy again.
Don't forget my royalties with all that new income!
I have made over two million on the ratio.....but I discovered Adobe wants half for using their software to use. There they go again.....corporate platinum greed
haha this is amazing. really funny. Nice going Alex.
what a waste of time
Yep, I got the message that you did not care for this article in your first comment... and when you clicked the dislike button... and when you disliked every single comment from someone who *did* like the article. You *did not* like this article. Loud and clear. 10-4. I'm sorry we don't share the same sense of humor. If you'd prefer I didn't make light of aesthetics and want to read my serious thoughts on the Golden Ratio, try this article:
I didn't realise trolling could be so difficult, but this guy is making it look so painful for himself, I almost feel sorry for him!
"what a waste of time" - his own words. But as Alex has pointed out he methodically wasted his own time by down-voting every previous post that hinted at liking the article. The very definition of an oxymoron.
What are the odds of FS and PetaPixel posting a faux article with the same joke on the same exact day.
About 78 to 1. Oh, wait, that's an amazing coincidence!!!
haha... Not sure what the fuss is about, but it's sort of funny, I mean, really... Now, if we could just get a decent write-up about the Olympus Adjustable Wrist Strap, that would be great.
Alex, sorry for the delay in responding, but I had to validate your findings. I must say that you have a masterful grasp on the interdimensional relationships that exist between photography and the disparate laws of nature. This goes well beyond merely connecting the dots. It's brilliant!
Please tell me you're contemplating a book, video or even better, a very expensive workshop that fully explains the Platinum Ratio. You owe it to mankind.