Fstoppers Original Articles

Exclusive articles and expert opinions written by Fstoppers’ talented team of creative professionals. Here we cover everything from the latest photographic techniques to advice on running a successful photography business, to first hand accounts of working in the photography industry.

The Walmart Photo Challenge

Today I bring you a hilarious photoshoot challenge called The Walmart Photo Shoot. Pye Jirsa and I battle head to head to see who can take the best looking images all while using $100 worth of clothing bought from Walmart. To make it even harder, none of the images can be Photoshopped either!

6 Simple Menu Things to Set on Your Camera

Modern cameras have lots of functions. It can be challenging to make the best possible settings. Often, it takes time to get the optimal settings for your personal photography. However, there are some simple things that are worth checking out.

You Don't Need That Camera, Honestly

"If only I had that camera," we often tell ourselves, thinking that magically our photography is finally going to transcend to a whole new plane of perfection where our creativity will feel no restrictions and our photographs will carry no flaws. We've all felt this at least once, often more.

Discovering the Body and Soul of Photography

Learning is essential for us to grow as photographers. Collaborating with the Polish artist and photographer, Maya Kot, I discovered new ideas about color that get to the very heart of photography.

DIY Fashion Photography: Your Guide to Shoots That Impress

There are different degrees of fashion shoots, it could be a personal shoot for your portfolio or one for Vogue Magazine. This format is for a personal fashion shoot, as you will most likely be in charge of putting everything together yourself.

NIK Collection 6.5: Not Just a New Update

DxO has announced the new Nik Collection version 6.5, which is much more significant than just a regular update. A complete redesign of Nik Collection, as we knew it, DxO is presenting the user with a brand new product that takes everything that was great about Nik Collection and makes it better.

The Pollinator Path: A Video Journey Among Cornwall's Rarest Bees

Embarking on an intrepid journey through Cornwall's rugged landscapes, our mission to capture one of the UK's rarest bees, the Large Scabious Mining Bee, unfolds amidst the wild beauty of a National Trust farm. Join us as we delve into the world of solitary bees, where conservation efforts are sparking hope in the most unexpected of places.

Should All Photographers Have a YouTube Channel?

Like many photographers around the world, I watch a lot of YouTube. Whether it's for inspiration, gear reviews, news, or beautiful cinematics, YouTube has changed the photography world. But should you start your own channel? Join me as I discuss some of the good reasons you should.

Would You Fall for These Seven Photography Scams? I Was Caught by One

You probably use or run photography businesses. Beware! There is a multimillion-dollar industry that runs solely to scam businesses and clients out of their hard-earned cash. Here are a few and how you should avoid them and why one of them caught me out.

Telling Stories With Your Photographs by Embracing Shadows

In the pursuit of technical excellence in photography, one thing that we often bring up at the forefront of the discussion is the amount of dynamic range that a camera has and how having the incredible power of shadow recovery always makes great photographs. But what if the one silent and great storyteller that often goes unnoticed has something to do with the presence of shadow?

Adobe Unboxed With Julieanne Kost

Whether you've seen her speaking on stages for Adobe, or lining magazine articles such as Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative People in Business” you surely have come across the legend and creative photographer that is Julieanne Kost.

Learning to Embrace Hard Light

Early in my photographic career, I was really into hard light in my photos, but at a point, I started opting for really soft, diffused light, that is until recently. I’ve recently revisited using hard light, and here’s how it has shifted my photography.

A Plea to Document Your life

In the age of selfies and having a camera in your pocket, it seems more and more young people have an endless camera roll of photos that will hardly, if ever, be looked at again. But is there a better way?

The Difference Between Different Camera Shutters

It used to be so simple. The camera shutter opened and closed again. The time in between was the exposure time. With digital cameras and mirrorless systems, things became a bit more complicated. Let’s have a look at the different types of camera shutters.

Hey DJI, Fix These Issues Please

When it comes to cameras released in 2023, most would find it hard to argue that the DJI OSMO Pocket 3 was not only the most anticipated but also delivered on almost all of its hype upon release. However, several fixes need to happen to make this the best camera for video content creators.

Is This the Ultimate Photography Accessory?

When I first started my photography journey, I was full of hope, excitement, and wonder about what adventure the day would bring me. The challenge for me was that it was just a day before I either had to head home again or find a place to stay, so I could spend more time in a certain location.

5 Pro Tips for Avoiding Burnout in Landscape Photography

Burnout can happen to any of us, from hobbyist photographers to established professional photographers and everyone in between. Whether you feel like you are on the path to burnout or are already there, I have five tips to help you through it!

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (February 2024): Herbert A. Franke

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2023, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

I Turned My Photography Passion Into My Career. Do I Regret it?

It’s safe to say we’ve all heard the phrase “love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.” There is also the antithesis to that, where if you love what you do, you’ll work 24/7. Well, I turned my passion for photography into my career, but the ultimate question is: does it feel like work, and do I regret my decision?

Every Single Light Modifier Compared: The Ultimate Guide

I notice many guides online for various light modifiers available. What I don’t see as much is a proper comparison of nearly every modifier available. Having sorted through my kit a few days ago, I realized I have numerous modifiers. In this article, we will compare modifiers so that next time you’re selecting one, you understand their functions.

What Is a Briese and Why Do Pro Photographers Love It So Much?

Probably, most of us have at some point encountered a behind-the-scenes photo where there is a parabolic reflector with the name Briese written on the side in yellow letters. Yet, very few photographers have actually worked with it or know what makes it so special. Recently, I got a chance to try out Briese reflectors and generators in Hamburg. Read on to find out why I fell in love from the first sight.

5 Ways You Are Derailing Your Photography Career

The game has changed a lot in 2024. Being a successful photographer is no longer about technical ability but a lot more about aesthetics and vision. In this article, I will tell you the five things you need to stop doing to be a successful photographer in 2024.

Secrets of Photography Trends: Stay Ahead of the Game!

I made a TikTok after months of being nagged by my friends and colleagues. There's a ton of behind-the-scenes content that I am slowly uploading there. Sometimes, at about 3 in the morning when I finish my work and get slightly depressed, I go on TikTok and scroll through videos tagged #photography. While this won’t be an article targeting TikTok photographers, or an article shaming people for following trends, it will be an article discussing what trends there are now, and what’s possibly dangerous with them.

Will AI Be Taking Over Your Photography?

Did artificial intelligence technology take over photography? No, it hasn’t, and it probably never will. But here is how AI might have been helping you behind the scenes all along.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is perhaps the biggest buzzword in the world of photography and tech for 2023, and it continues to be a widely discussed topic in 2024. This stems from the fact that the industry has had mixed reactions about the emergence of AI tools for photography and raised the question of whether this kind of technology puts photographers' jobs at risk. However, much of...

Why I Won't Use Certain Brands for Paid Work

It’s not that I hate Godox or that I am paid by a different lighting brand to hate Godox every month. It is simply that when it comes to producing professional work, their lights are just not fit for the job. Here is why I will not use Godox for professional work.

Could You Force Yourself to Use Just This One Lens?

As a landscape photographer who is addicted to the big vista, I have often wondered just how hard or easy it would be to force myself to only use one lens, and that lens being the 70-200mm. The versatility of this lens is fantastic, and many of you will know this already. However, the best thing about having my 70-200mm is that it's always in my bag and ready to be deployed whenever I need it, but what if I were only to have this lens?

How Much Editing Is Too Much for Your Landscape Photos?

Within the genre of landscape photography, there is often debate about how much editing is too much. When does the photograph go from natural to manipulated? Does it even matter? How much editing is too much for your photos?

The Ultimate Budget Full-Frame Camera of 2024

Whenever someone asks me what camera they should buy, I am shown a ton of triple-digit-D versions. Unfortunately, entry-level cameras are nowhere near as good as full-frame equivalents. Full frame doesn’t have to be expensive. Here’s a cheap full frame camera you can buy in 2024.

Wake Up and Get Out of Your Funk

Wake up, get out of your funk, and do something new. Those are words that I say to myself quite often, and if we are all being honest, we all say them to ourselves often too, and if not, then we should. Why, you may ask? Because if you don’t, then you will either continue to be stuck in a rut or you will be, unknowingly, damaging our potential for growth and overall satisfaction.

Apple Vision Pro for Photographers: How Useful?

The Apple Vision Pro is all over the news lately. It's an expensive $3,500 wear-on-your-head device that offers augmented reality, virtual reality, and what Apple calls "Spatial Computing." (That's just the base price. Adding memory and prescription lenses adds to your ticket.)

Don't Buy the Hype: The Dome Attachment Mystery Solved!

There is a war going on in the lighting community: To dome or not to dome? Does the recessed front make a difference? Are the flat-front lights not usable anymore? Well, having had the privilege of owning a number of lighting variants, I did rigorous testing to settle the debate once and for all.

Why I Don't Take My Camera With Me Anymore: EDC in 2024

As professional photographers, we carry around a bunch of stuff. I can easily rock up to a shoot with way too much kit for the job. My daily carry-around equipment is quite different, though. Let's talk about some of the must-carry items.

A Complete Guide to Mastering Lightroom Masking (Part 1)

There are a lot of great tools available for editing, and my favorite techniques tend to have large impacts for little effort. Lightroom's masking tool does this better than anything else I've ever used. This guide will teach you everything you could possibly want to know about Lightroom masking regardless of your skill level.

It's Time To Confess: Photography Nearly Broke Me

January had been a difficult month for me. I was shooting a lot less, and as a result, I had a ton of time to think about my career and my direction. I ended up in a fairly bad place with my mental health. Like almost every other artist, I ended up hating much of what I do. Here's why it sucks being a photographer, and what you can do about it.

How Shallow DOF Just Might Ruin Your Photography

Why are photographers obsessed with shallow depth of field? And why I think it can ruin your photography as it almost did with mine. Read on about how it started to affect my photography and what I did about it.

How to Grow as a Photographer

Becoming a skilled photographer is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn and grow. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your photography to the next level, there are several key steps you can take to develop your skills and expand your creative horizons. Let’s explore some of the most effective strategies for growing as a photographer, which have helped my own personal journey.

Pushing Your Limits as an Introverted Photographer

Does the thought of photographing people for the first time frighten you? It did for me a few years ago. As an introverted photographer who also suffers from depression and anxiety, I was petrified to make the step into portrait photography, but I was able to push through it and now I love it!