
Last year during the tail end of the May new moon cycle I had the opportunity to spend a night down in the southern portion of Saskatchewan at my parents place. The area around there place is littered with these ancient lone trees. I was crossing my fingers to take advantage of a night where I could do some milky way photography over top of some of the lone trees that I grew up knowing and admiring. It landed on a clear night with a setting 20% crescent moon. I hit up 3 separate trees for 3 different compositions. This was the last of the night and the first that I wanted to process. It was a hectic night with only 3 hours to hit three locations and tracking skies at each comp so not one where I 'enjoyed' the night sky per-say but as I wrapped up my sky exposures for this one and started my foreground exposures, astro dark ended. I got all my exposures in time and was able to spend a few minutes reflecting on some of the memories associated with these locations. These 3 tree compositions definitely are near and dear to me as they are pieces of my story and only recently have I had the interest and skills to capture them as I wanted.

24mm · f/2.8 · 60s · ISO 1600
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