Jens Sieckmann's picture

Cherry Treebeard

As an adolescent I sometimes tried to flee from reality. The Lord Of The Rings became the home away from home. One of my most favorite characters was Treebeard ("slowly, slowly"). I always had my visual imaginations about him, but decades later it seems to me that he came alive. More magnificent than I ever dreamt, in prim of life. And a dream came true. On a day in spring in Germany. So, this is the story of my encounter with Cherry Treebeard.

Hello my friends, my name is Cherry Treebeard, I live in the wonderful city of Bonn in Germany, together with my family and many, many friends. Springtime is my favorite season. Our blossoms are sooo beautiful, huh!

Every year so many visitors come to my home. Hoo, what hasty folk! The have odd tools in their hands. Some of them are bulky, some are thin and flat. They hold them in front of their face and smile or they keep it right before their eyes. Hmm, strange, very strange.

Huh, oh, there is on right at my feet. He has got one of these strange boxes, too. Ah, a flash of lightning! Slowly, slowly! I do not like that, little visitor.


Canon 600D
Canon 600D
50mm · 1/50s · ISO 100
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