Robert Henderson's picture

Little Bee-eater Taking Little Break

We found this cooperative Little Bee-eater sitting in a small tree on a very hot 42 degree November afternoon in the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia. You don't realize how colorful Little Bee-eaters actually are until one holds still on a nearby branch in good light. It sat quietly on the branch for several minutes while I kept my finger on the shutter.

I took the image with a Canon 7D Mark II with a Canon EF 200 - 400 mm f/4L IS Extender lens. The exposure settings were 1/2000 sec at f/5.6, ISO 1600, 560 mm, hand held.

Canon 7D Mark II
560 mm · f/5.6 · 1/2000 sec · ISO 1600
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