Quentin Decaillet's picture

Summer time

Sindi is probably the model I've shot the most since I started photography. She lives across the road from my studio and it's always a pleasure to work with her!
We had the idea of shooting some kind of beauty with water but didn't know how, when or what. Until Marinka, a makeup artist contacted me to work together. I thought about this idea of creating a "mini pool" in my studio and knew how to make it happen, but didn't know how to get the water out of the studio. It didn't matter, I was convinced we would find a way! So we built the pool with wood for the basic structure, black seamless paper with a canvas cover over it.
My lighting consisted of a 27" beauty dish in front with 1/4 blue gel on it and a standard reflector behind the model with a full CTO on it.

Canon-1D X
100mm · f/13.0 · 1/200s · ISO 125
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Beautiful shot!

I absolutely understand, why you work with her a lot (and I guess the proximity is not the main reason :)). Oh, and water evaporates...eventually :)

Incredible work Quentin. Everything about this is top notch.

Thanks Dave :)

Beauty dish: Silver or white ?