Few years back I traveled with my family to Italy, where I captured one of my favorite images to date - random girl sitting on very old stairs. This week I decided share with you some great images where the stairs are the main object. Using the stairs makes me tired, but photographing them is a lot of fun. Check out the Full Post, and share with us some of your own stairs shots.
As always - dont forget to tell us in the comments which is your favorite shot from this set, and also i recommend checking out the Photostreams of those photographers. If you liked their stair shots, you might find their other work interesting as well.
Photo: Stephen Criscolo.
Photo: klaus.
Photo: Gilderic Photography.
Photo: Justin Hoffmann.
Photo: Javier Sánchez Mingorance .
Photo: seier+seier.
Photo: Ana Santos.
Photo: Ivan Makarov.
Photo: bianca van der werf.
Photo: Marc Serarols.
Photo: Miodrag Bogdanovic.
Photo: Christian Beirle González.
Photo: Arnd Dewald.
Photo: svenwerk.
Photo: Hughes Léglise-Bataille.
Previous Flickr Spotlights:
Flickr Spotlight #1 - Revolution And Riots Around The World.
Flickr Spotlight #2 - Extreme Weather.
Flickr Spotlight #3 - Splashing Drinks.
Flickr Spotlight #4 - Natural Light Beams
Flickr Spotlight #5 – Kissing Couples
Flickr Spotlight #6 – Hot Air Balloons