The videos keep coming in for our 2011 Fstoppers Behind The Scenes Contest as we enter the final month of submissions. Most photographers use either strobe, fluorescent, or incandescent light to mold and sculpt their subjects. German photographer Julius Ise went a completely different route and used UV blacklights along with some gelled lights for separation to produce extremely vivid images. The shoot has an overall tribal theme and I really think the blacklight look brings something to the overall vibe. I'd say this is one of my top 5 submissions so far but Julius will have to impress our judges. What do you guys think? Leave Julius your thoughts below in the comments. Also check out Julius Ise's full portfolio because it's pretty awesome as well.
I really really need to find the post of the photo session of the maseratti cars! REALLY REALLY i want to use the idea! please if anybody can help me!! Thanks a lot from Argentina!! Zeke
this is magnificent!
Cool idea and a lot of professionalism behind this shot.
Good job mein Freund. Keep up the good work.
i have done something simmilar not seeing this great video first. will be posting to my blog soon so stay tuned to