Video Editing Plugins That are Worth Buying

Plugins for both photography and video are plentiful nowadays, and the quality of them varies hugely. Here are one cinematographer's favorite video plugins that he is glad he invested in.

For a long time I avoided plugins of all descriptions. I bought one when I first started out that was for landscape photographers and had a lot of positive reviews. It was less than useless and I was £29.99 worse off. Then, over time, I began to warm to them again. In Photoshop I use multiple plugins and they revolutionized my workflow in both speed and quality of output. Since then, I'm far more open to suggestions.

As I move into the video space more and more — something I know I'm far from alone in doing — I look to video editing suites and plugins for them for an edge or reduction in editing time. In this video, cinematographer YCImaging goes through some plugins for video editing that he's glad he bought. I haven't used any of the plugins on his list as far as I can remember, but I have similar products for some of the tasks he uses these for. For example, his MTitle Cinematic plugin is in a popular space for plugins and I purchased something similar for professional and effortless titles and word animation.

Do you have any video editing plugins that you wouldn't want to live without? Share them in the comment section below so I can have a look.

Rob Baggs's picture

Robert K Baggs is a professional portrait and commercial photographer, educator, and consultant from England. Robert has a First-Class degree in Philosophy and a Master's by Research. In 2015 Robert's work on plagiarism in photography was published as part of several universities' photography degree syllabuses.

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