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Mario Rivera

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Shooting Overhead Portraits in Studio

Photographing a model lying down can be very interesting, but it comes with a unique set of challenges too. Check out this great video on how to do it.

Advanced Control of Layers in Photoshop With the 'Pass Through' Trick

If you are working with multiple layers in Photoshop, then you are probably aware of the significance of controlling layer groups when dealing with different blending modes and adjustment layers. Luckily, there is an often-ignored option called “pass through,” and changing that might widen your capabilities.

Sharpen Images and Get Rid of Halos in Photoshop

Have you ever edited and sharpened a photograph you wanted to print or post online only to have halos around the edges? Have you ever wanted to know how not to make that happen? If you answered yes, then this helpful video is for you.

The Unknown Power of Photoshop Droplets

Droplets live on your desktop and you can drag and drop files or folders onto them to batch process the files based on the action you’ve set up for the specific droplet. This video shows you how to build your own.

How to Remove People From Complicated Images Automatically Using Photoshop

Beautiful places are of course something many of us want to photograph, but the problem is often that there are constantly people in the shot at such locations. This helpful tutorial will show you how to remove people from complicated images automatically using Photoshop.

Higher Resolution Photos: Know When You Need Them and When You Don't

There are quite a lot of complaints like: "Canon won't release a 4K video camera." At the end of the day, most photographers and filmmakers publish visuals online, and most viewers watch them on sub-2K mobile devices. Here's how much resolution you truly need.

How to Change the Color of Anything in Photoshop

There are many ways to change the color of an object in Photoshop, but in certain instances, these methods fall short of accomplishing your goal. This video provides an in-depth tutorial on the best ways to change a color in any situation.

Visually Level or Truly Level: Making the Best Image

As photographers, we generally strive for level images; a tilted horizon is one of the first things we notice in a photo. However, what looks level and what's actually level might be two different things, and this great video examines the difference.

How to Enlarge Photos Without Losing Detail in Photoshop CC 2018

With the new Adobe Photoshop CC 2018, a new image enlargement algorithm, “Preserve Details 2.0,” came as an improvement over the previous upsampling algorithm that had been in place since 2013. The 2.0 version provides better details when it comes to preparing the images for large-scaled prints and potentially reduces the need for an ultra-high-megapixel medium-format camera for large prints.

One Minute to Better Looking Photos in Photoshop

In this short video, Colin Smith at PhotoCAFE comes through once again with an easy way to improve the look of your photographs using gaussian blur in Photoshop. The tip itself is worthwhile, but his "bonus" tip is the key to making it really work.

Simplifying the Tone Curve

Lightroom’s tone curve is one of those tools that is often looked over, especially with beginners. This video will explain everything you need to know to get started using this powerful tool.

Easily Capture Everyday Items to Sell as Stock Photography

Have you ever considered the potential of the objects that sit in front of you every day? With the high demand for photos in social media and online marketing, your images of even the most simple items have value. Here’s how to capitalize on this and produce an easy portfolio of stock images to sell.

Three Quick Steps to Making a Photo Pop Using Photoshop

A lot of people are fans of the portrait look in which the subject really seems to "pop" off the image, as it's a striking and attention-grabbing style. This helpful video will show you three quick steps to recreate that look in your own portraiture work.

Seven More of the Best Nikon Tricks

Although it is popular to talk about mirrorless cameras these days, DSLR cameras are still alive, and with the help of some useful tricks, you can make the most of your DSLR. Especially if you own a Nikon camera, you might be surprised with these features that most photographers skip using.

Simple Lighting Setups Using Little or No Equipment

I’m a big believer that you don’t need expensive equipment and a complicated lighting set up to create beautiful images. Some of my favorite images were captured with a really simple lighting setup and with little or no lighting equipment at all. Sometimes too much emphasis is often put on equipment and we can easily get caught up in complicated lighting and expensive gear.

How to Shoot Neon-Themed Portraits at Home

If you're ever seen portraits shot somewhere like an arcade or next to a neon sign, you know they offer a neat look full of washes of color that envelop the model. If you don't have access to such lighting, this great video will show you how to recreate the effect at home.

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