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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Lessons After 250,000 Photos

Improving your photography involves understanding the nuances of composition, lighting, subject matter, and timing. These elements work together to create compelling images. Nigel Danson shares insights from his experience of shooting over 250,000 photos and reflects on the journey from his early, less successful attempts to his current expertise.

Overcoming Creative Blocks: A Photographer's Journey

Using your camera to capture the beauty of the world around you can be deeply fulfilling, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Sometimes, those challenges are personal and can impact your creativity.

Finding Fulfillment in Your Career's Later Stages

Finding fulfillment in the later stages of your career can be challenging. It's common to feel like you've ticked all the boxes—career progression, status, financial stability—yet still feel unfulfilled. This video explores how to transition to something more exciting and engaging in your third or fourth career chapter.

Pentax 17: A New Film Camera in the Digital Age

The Pentax 17 is generating a lot of buzz within the film photography community. Exploring its features and design, you might find it a compelling option for your photography needs.

5 Tips for Better Landscape Photos

Understanding the nuances of landscape photography can elevate your work from good to breathtaking. Composition plays a vital role in capturing stunning images.

Five Reasons to Love the Fuji X System

Choosing the right camera system can significantly impact your photography experience. This article explores five reasons why the Fuji X system stands out, especially for landscape photography.

Is Film Photography Worth the Hassle and Expense?

Film photography has a certain allure. It’s drawn many, despite seeming like a hassle, time-consuming, and expensive. Curious to see if the effort, cost, and hassle are worth it, one photographer decided to dive into the analog journey.

Simplify Your Edits: Using Lightroom's New AI Tool

Learning to simplify your images is crucial for effective photography. Lightroom's new generative AI feature in the remove tool simplifies this process, making it easier to clean up images without extensive post-processing.

Maximizing Reach: The Truth About Teleconverters

Getting closer to your subject can be a real challenge. This is especially true when your subjects are birds. The simplest solution might seem to be adding a teleconverter, but it's not without its drawbacks.

The Nikon Z6 Mark III: Speed and Performance Unleashed

The Nikon Z6 Mark III is making waves with its new features and performance improvements. If you're interested in a versatile camera that excels in both stills and video, this review is worth a look.