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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

The Truth About Camera Sensor Sizes

Sensor size is a hotly debated topic in photography, with many arguing that larger sensors are always superior. However, the reality is more nuanced. Understanding the pros and cons of different sensor sizes can help you make informed decisions about your gear and improve your photography without wasting your money.

Unlock the Power of Light and Shadow With Lightroom

Enhancing light and shadows in landscape photography can dramatically transform your images, adding depth and visual interest. Here's a great approach to adding that depth in Lightroom.

The Case for 12 Megapixels: Do You Need More?

The megapixel race in digital cameras has been ongoing for years, with manufacturers constantly pushing for higher resolutions. However, this trend raises an important question: do you really need all those megapixels, or could a 12-megapixel camera suffice for most photography needs?

Overcoming Technical Hurdles in Portrait Photography

Shooting in exotic locations presents unique challenges and opportunities for photographers. Capturing the essence of a place while managing technical difficulties and working with models requires skill, adaptability, and creative problem-solving.

A Dog’s Day Out at Venice Beach in 8K 360 Video

Venice Beach, California, is a vibrant place, perfect for capturing spontaneous moments. Kimchi, our furry guide, takes you on an amusing VR adventure through this iconic location.

Mastering Landscape Photography: Essential Tips and Techniques

Landscape photography can be both rewarding and challenging, offering endless opportunities to capture the beauty of nature. Understanding the essentials of gear, planning, shooting, and editing can significantly improve your skills. Let’s dive into these aspects to help you enhance your landscape photography journey.

What's Your Film Photography Hot Take?

Film photography has seen a resurgence, capturing the hearts of many enthusiasts with its unique charm. What's your hot take on the trend?