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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Creating Studio Portraits Using Just Speedlights

If you're new to strobes, buying a couple of speedlights and modifiers can be a cheap but effective way to learn the ins and outs of artificial lighting. This awesome video will show you how to create classic studio portraits using just speedlights.

A Reminder of Who Decides Your Photos Are Good

It's easier than ever to get feedback on your photos (whether you like it or not), but the degree to which you internalize that feedback and how you incorporate it is something you should consider to ensure you're being true to your artistic self.

How to Color Correct Skin Using Photoshop

You can do all sorts of creative things to portraits, but if you don't get the skin tones right, chances are your viewer will notice something off. This great video will show you a quick and effective method for color correcting skin in Photoshop.

What Is 'Color Science' and Should It Actually Matter to Photographers?

"Color science" is a term that gets thrown around quite a bit as a catch-all for some things that are actually under the umbrella of science and many that aren't at all. This excellent video unpacks all the baggage that comes along with the term "color science."

The Subtle Mistake That Can Cost You Photography Clients

You've spent the time learning your craft, you've built a portfolio, and you've invested in your business, but the clients still aren't rolling in. Here's why how you craft your portfolio can hold you back.

Would You Delete a Photo of Someone if They Asked You To?

It's a situation every street photographer (and some others) will encounter at some point: you'll take a picture of someone, they'll see you do it, and they'll ask (or demand) that you delete it. Would you delete the picture?

Getting More out of Your Landscape Photography Locations

Landscape photography can be a fickle thing, as you don't get to choose your lighting or even what a big chunk of your composition (the sky) will look like. This great video talks about how you can maximize what you get out of a location no matter what the conditions.

Five Reasons to Avoid Fixing a Photo or Video in Post

It's a fairly common attitude in both photo and video work to just assume that a mistake during a shoot can and will be fixed in post, but that can be quite detrimental in a few ways. Here are five reasons to avoid fixing your work in post.

Why Proper Music Choice Is So Crucial to Video Work

It's crucial to understand and respect the relationship between music and visuals in order to create compelling video work. This helpful video will show you how different music choices can completely change the mood and message of your video.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dynamic Range and More

Dynamic range has become one of the most important camera specs for a lot of photographers and videographers, but there's a lot more information and science behind it than you might have realized. This excellent, comprehensive video will teach you everything you need and ever wanted to know about dynamic range.

Seven Helpful Tips for Planning a Photography Trip

Going on a photography trip can be a wonderful adventure and a chance to come home with lots of portfolio-worthy shots, but there's more to it than simply grabbing your camera and booking a plane ticket. This great video will give you seven helpful tips to maximize your returns from a photography trip.