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Michael Higgins
Ottawa, ON, CA

Bookmarked Articles

Take off Your Polarizing Filter, Especially for Landscape Photography

Probably the first advice you received as a new landscape photographer was to purchase a polarizing filter. But once you’ve mastered the polarizing filter on a few landscape photography trips, my recommendation is: take the polarizing filter off.

The Best Method for Exporting Photos to Instagram

For most photographers, social media is the area where fans and potential clients will see our work most often. Here is how to make sure your photos look great on Instagram.

How To Build A Business Plan As A Photographer - Part Two

In Part One of this series, we began writing our business plan by focusing on the nuts and bolts of our business. In this section, we will start to expand on those roots and add to the "what" by knowing our "why".

A Humorous and Informative Look at How a Landscape Photo Is Made

Landscape photography can be a quirky genre in which you're by yourself, braving the elements in search of that elusive shot. This great video takes a lighthearted but educational look at everything that goes into creating a landscape photo.

What Is Bit Depth and Why Does It Matter to Your Photography?

Bit depth is one of the most fundamental and important parameters you're likely to come across in photography and videography. This great video will give you a quick introduction to what bit depth is and why it matters to your work.

How to Get Unlimited Cloud Storage for Your Photos for Free

Storage has become increasingly inexpensive which means there are a lot of options out there to back up your photos. One of those options is reliable, unlimited, and even free if you already have Amazon Prime.

The Top 10 Film Scores of All Time

Look at any great movie, and almost always, there will be a great score accompanying it. This interesting video takes a look at 10 of the best film scores of all time.

Five Ways to Check If Your Photography Skills Are Progressing

It can be hard to measure long-term progress in photography, as we grow in slow, small steps. But it's important to know how far you've come and where you still need work, and this helpful video will give you five ways to check just how much progress you've made.

Understanding Photoshop's Fill Slider

It’s odd that there is a slider in Photoshop that is continuously in the forefront of the work we are doing, but it is almost never used. This video explains how to use the overlooked fill slider to adjust the effects of various blend modes.

How to Turn Your Daytime Photos Into Night

Have you taken a photo on-location of a wonderful building and wish you could have stayed longer to capture it at night? Sometimes our schedule can get a bit chaotic or perhaps the location isn't accessible at night, so what can you do?

This Is Why You Need a Photography Brand

If you’re trying to build your photography business, having a brand is essential to your success. Here’s why you need to focus on building your photography brand.

How to Make Money as a Landscape Photographer

Many photographers love spending time in the outdoors, photographing the natural world. But not everyone can sustain their passion into a full-time job. Watch this video to learn how one landscape photographer makes money with his craft.

Bookmarked Media

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