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Gökhan Uysal
Ataşehir, 34, TR

Bookmarked Articles

Want to Take Better Landscape Photos? Embrace the Bad Weather

Think about some of your favorite landscape shots. Can you remember what the weather was like in them? If I had to guess, at least some of them had what we might consider bad or even horrible weather. Here's why that can help you take better photos.

Seven Landscape Photography Tips I Wish I Knew in the Beginning

When I started landscape photography many years ago I thought my images were great, but looking back at them now I can easily see the many errors I made. Over time I improved but it was a slow and organic process. Check out these seven tips and don't make the same mistakes I did.

Learn the Basics of Layers and Masking in Photoshop

Photoshop can be quite overwhelming for a first-time user or even advanced-beginner. Watch this tutorial created by Joshua Snow to help understand some of the most powerful tools in the post-processing software.

Playing With Time: Blending in Photoshop Tutorial

With the post-processing power of Photoshop, there are some incredibly creative ways to process digital photographs to create incredibly beautiful results. In this realm of the powerful program by Adobe, exposure blending is not necessarily a new technique these days, but there are always different ways to use the techniques to create visually pleasing and even surreal imagery and this processing tutorial plays with the concept of time and exposure blending.

Quickly Create a Double Exposure in Photoshop

The art of creating a double exposure has become increasingly popular recently. Here is a quick tutorial on a simple way to create a double exposure in Photoshop.

A Foggy Landscape Shot With an Unconventional Focal Length

What happens when one photographer wanders through a foggy scene with only a prime lens that we don't typically associate with landscapes? If this was you, do you think you'd be successful or frustrated using this particular prime in this scene?

Five Lies About Being a Photographer You Should Ignore

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there seem to be a number of stock lines we hear over and over about the craft and technique of photography and making a career of it, but just because we hear them, it doesn't make them true. Here are five lies about being a photographer.

Five Tips to Create Better Videos With Your Drone

While drones are easy to get off the ground, it’s another story to shoot cinema quality looking footage. In this video, Matti Haapoja highlights a couple of maneuvers you must master to create the best aerial videos possible.

Photoshop’s Smart Objects Explained

Are you still uncertain of what the purpose of a Smart Object is in Photoshop? Here is an excellent explanation of one of Photoshop’s most powerful tools.

Six Simple In-Camera Video Transitions

Unless you have mastered the art of shooting your entire video in one clip, your video project will be broken up into different scenes or cuts. Adding transitions between the different scenes can improve your overall project. Are you out of ideas for alternative ways to transitions your video from scene to scene?

Out of Ideas? Here's Why You're Having Trouble Being Creative

Unfortunately, creativity is something that can be fleeting: you're on a hot streak, producing quality work, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the spark vanishes. This great video talks about why that happens and what we can do to get the creative juices flowing again.

Get Inspired With Just One Click in Photoshop

Tired with your same ol' process of color grading in Photoshop? Try out different color combinations in quick succession using these handy tips from PiXimperfect.

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