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ken davis
New Haven, CT

Bookmarked Articles

One of the Best Tools to Use When Planning Your Next Photography Trip

I don’t get to shoot landscapes as often as I’d like, but when I do, I try to maximize the time I have in a place to the fullest extent. Many times, that’s just waking up for sunrise while my relatives snooze their alarms on a family trip, but eventually, when I started planning my own adventures, I had a hard time figuring out where to start until I discovered an incredible tool.

Take Back Your Space: How to Stay Organized in Five Easy Steps

As creatives, many times it is hard to place focus on organization rather than creating images. Without organization your life can become chaotic and disruptive to your workflow. A few tips to help take back your space and your sanity could mean the difference between booking or losing your next client.

Tips for Confidently Shooting Street Photography

Whether you’re traveling abroad or exploring the streets where you live, it’s important to have confidence when shooting street photography. Photographer, Pierre T. Lambert shares a few tips to help you confidently capture images that you’ll be proud of.

Know How to Pose and Be a Better Photographer

In this video, Sorelle Amore gives tips on posing for photos by posing herself. She shows on camera what the various ways are to create angles, lines, and curves that are more appealing and flattering than just standing there.

Things to Think About When You're Not Satisfied With Your Photography

In photography, like any art, you tend to experience ups and downs when it comes to your satisfaction with your work and ability to produce quality, innovative images. This great video examines why things may not be going your way and what you can do about it.

Always Have Gaffer Tape With You

When shooting video or photography, you need gaffer tape. There are some advantages of using it instead of duct tape, and this video shows you all the various uses on and off set.

Starting a Photo Series: Finding a Worthy Subject

I was never really into photo series but over the summer that kind of changed with my island series. Today, I find myself shooting similar things over and over again. In the end, I think that photo series can be a really cool way to showcase your work and interests over time.

The Myth of the Freelance Photographer Work-Life Balance and How to Embrace It

Do you ever feel like you are swimming upstream, trying to keep all of the facets of your busy schedule together as a freelance photographer? There are countless articles, blogs, and books about how to separate your work and free time to improve job satisfaction and productivity, but the secret is not about improving your work-life balance, it’s about ignoring the perception of a work-life balance altogether.

Don't Care About Instagram? Here's Why You Should

​I’m going to come right out and say it. Instagram saved my photography life. Today, I’ll show you how Instagram changed everything for me and how it can really help you too.

How to Find Inspiration and Success as a Photographer

At the beginning of 2018, I set a goal to read one book a week to broaden my mind and seek inspiration from new places. So far, I've stuck with it. Lee Morris, Mike Kelley, and I decided to sit down on camera and discuss the experience.

Is Boudoir Photography Becoming More of a Feeling Than Location?

Boudoir photography is not a new concept, however, the way in which it is viewed has changed drastically over the years. When it once was an art form on the female body, represented solely indoors in a bedroom, the title now has moved to include other versions. It could be argued that if it does not adhere to specific criteria, it cannot be called boudoir. In my opinion, the original term might just need to be evolved to include other concepts as the term among the majority of photographers in this genre refer to boudoir as more of a feeling than a location.

Five Crucial Tips Before You Start Freelancing

Are you thinking of turning your passion of photography or filmmaking into you main source of income? Perhaps you just made the switch or in the process of doing just that. In either case, here are five crucial tips you may want think over before going any further.

Five Ways to Improve Your Posing

When it comes to taking images of couples, one of the biggest struggles photographers deal with is posing. Since posing can make or break and good image, these five tips can take your posing to next level.

Landscape Photography
Critique the Community

Landscape Photography

With Elia Locardi
Submit your best landscape photos for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.

Lee and Patrick are currently traveling the world filming a new landscape photography tutorial with Elia Locardi. This offers us an excellent opportunity to put Elia on camera and critique your landscape photos. 

This contest has ended.
3 Ways to Book More Photography Clients

The most significant hurdle when running a photography business is booking more clients. If you feel like you’re in a “booking rut,” here are a few ways to help spread your brand awareness and book more photo clients.

Bookmarked Media

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