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Mike Kelley
Los Angeles, CA

Articles written by Mike Kelley

[Gear] Canon Releases 24-70mm f2.8 L II, New Wide Angle Primes

After many years of speculation and countless false rumors, Canon has released a replacement for the venerable 24-70mm 2.8 L, along with a few new wide-angle primes: the 24mm f2.8 IS and the 24mm f2.8 IS. Get all the specs and my thoughts in the full post.
[BTSV] Behind The Scenes At The Winter X-Games

In this behind the scenes video from Vimeo (say that five times fast!), we get a look at the wide variety of gear that is used to capture the action at Winter X. From freelance photographers and videographers to full-scale production efforts, this video has a little bit of everything. See the video, which displays a staggering amount of gear, in the full post.
[Interview] Pulitzer Winner and Celebrity Photographer Brian Smith

Name a celebrity. Yep, go on. Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney, Zooey Deschanel, Ben Stiller, Samuel L Jackson. How about an athlete? Serena Williams, Jeff Gordon, Shaquille O’Neal. Brian Smith has worked with them all. I recently sat down with Brian for an Fstoppers exclusive interview and he was glad to share his insight, techniques, and advice with us. Check out the full post for the entire text.
[Video] Photographer Vs. Security: The Ultimate Showdown

How would you react if security officers told you that you were breaking the law by photographing a building from public property? One British photographer was faced with just that question, and here is how he reacted. View the full post to see the video, which is funny, sad, eye-opening and jaw-dropping all at once.
[Funny] The Battle at F-Stop Ridge, Part 2

Everyone remembers the original Battle at F-Stop Ridge, the live-action camera battle that had camera enthusiasts everywhere laughing. The creators of the video, The Camera Store, in Calgary, AB, created a sequel and I'm happy to say that it's just as awesome as the original. Check out the full post to see it.
[Op-Ed] The Cameras of Tomorrow: Apps For DSLRs

What if, much like the smartphones that we use on a daily basis, our cameras were equipped to support aftermarket applications which added functionality and never-before seen levels of customization? Check out the full post to read more and have your say.
[Video] The Fascinating End Of Kodachrome's 75 Year Legacy

When Dwayne's Photo, based in Parsons, Kansas, ceased processing Kodachrome film, it was the end of an era spanning 75 years. This ten minute mini-documentary by Xander Robin affords us a view into the history of Kodachrome, the process used to develop it, and insight from the employees of Dwayne's who worked with the film regularly. Check out the full post for the video.
[Tutorial] Light Painting Master Dennis Calvert's Techniques

We've featured light-painter extraordinaire Dennis Calvert on Fstoppers before. Many of us were left wondering just how he creates those stunning images. Dennis recently wrote a post on his site detailing his method; be sure to view the full post to read more.
[Video] Stunning Nikon D4 Release Video

Check out this beautifully shot video made by Corey Rich of Lake Tahoe, CA. The video shows off not only the incredible capabilities of the Nikon D4 (be sure to watch it in HD and full screen), but also offers inspiring footage of three athletes in action: Alex Honnold, a free-solo climber, Dane Jackson, kayaker, and Rebecca Rusch, an ultra-endurance athlete. The final product combines both time lapse footage and video footage, which according to Corey was recorded directly to CF, and all of the interview audio came directly off the camera. Now that I mention it, you might want to grab your headphones while you watch this video.