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Devin Rogers
Temecula, CA

Articles written by Devin Rogers

2022 Natural Landscape Photography Awards: The Winners

The winners have been announced for the second annual Natural Landscape Photography Awards. This new and refreshing competition exhibits landscape and nature photographers who are committed to maintaining authenticity and realism in their images

Grand Prize Winner Withdraws From 'Outdoor Photographer' Competition

Outdoor Photographer awarded the grand prize of their "Great Outdoors 2021" to a composite image that violates the rules of the competition as stated on the official website. This controversy gives rise to an ethical question regarding photography competitions that fail to enforce their own rules.

Can You Really Tell the Difference Between Medium Format and APS-C?

In this comparison, you probably can't tell the difference between identical images taken on a medium format and APS-C camera. But that doesn't mean that medium format cameras are a waste of money. As with most questions like this in photography, it really depends on what type of images you make and what you plan to do with them.

Seascape Photography 101: Everything You Need to Know

Seascape photography can be both rewarding and intimidating. The ocean can deliver beautiful photographs, but it also has the power to ruin your gear. Check out this in-depth video from Nick Page for several pro-tips that will help to both keep your gear safe and to come away with beautiful photographs.

Why You Should Always Carry a Telephoto Lens for Landscapes

One of the most challenging aspects of landscape photography is finding a composition that does justice to the beauty we see and experience in the field. In this article, in addition to following professional photographer Mads Peter Iversen into the field for a day of moody telephoto photography, we'll also discuss a few ways that utilizing a long telephoto lens can help you drastically increase your opportunities for finding a compelling composition in nature.

Why the S1R Is Still One of the Best Cameras for Landscape Photographers

Though the Panasonic Lumix S1R remains a dark-horse contender among its full frame mirrorless competitors, I believe Panasonic made a strong entry into the market that is still worth considering over the more established and up-to-date competition. Check out this article to learn about some interesting features that the S1R has to offer for landscape photographers.

Enjoy Calming Fog Sunset Photography With the Sony a1 and 35mm Film

For many of us, 2021 has been no better a year than 2020. Take a break, and rise above the fog with this incredible video from Michael Shainblum, as he captures long exposures, time-lapses, and film images from high above the clouds in San Francisco.

Get Ready for Winter Landscape Photography With Nick Page

With winter approaching fast (for our readers in the northern hemisphere), it's time for landscape photographers to prepare for snowy scenes and cold sunrises. Though it can introduce a new level of challenge to your standard photography routine, photographing landscapes in the winter can also be very rewarding and will certainly add a new dimension to your portfolio.

Experience Monsoon Storm Photography With Nick Page

Step outside of your comfort zone and head into the storm with this incredible desert adventure. This video follows professional photographers Nick Page, Michael Shainblum, and Sean Parker as they capture a monsoon storm in the remote desert.

2021 Natural Landscape Photography Awards: The Winners

Why does the world need another landscape photography competition? Well, the Natural Landscape Photography Awards, the first competition of its kind, aims to promote landscape photographers who strive for realism and authenticity in their images.

Discover Wide Angle Seascape Photography With Michael Shainblum

The ocean can provide an incredible subject for landscape photographers, especially when photographed in combination with a sunrise or a sunset. Check out this video for an amazing look into one photographer's process for capturing wide angle seascapes.

Master Manual Exposure Blending With This Foolproof Photoshop Workflow

With modern HDR-blending algorithms making exposure blending so quick and easy, manual exposure blending may seem like an outdated skill for landscape photographers. However, automated software doesn't always produce the cleanest results. In this article, we'll discuss a foolproof workflow for manual exposure blending that will give you total control over your images and ensure results of the highest quality. The good news is that this workflow doesn't require any third-party panels or difficult luminosity masking!

How to Make the Most of Overcast Days in Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be discouraging when the sky is overcast with no chance of dynamic light or beautiful sunset colors. Luckily, overcast weather is actually ideal for certain types of landscape photography if you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Check out this video to see how you can create beautiful images even when the weather is gloomy.

How to Easily Fix Blue Sky Gradients in Photoshop

Often caused by polarizer filters, lens vignetting, or side-lit scenes, gradients can be a pain to handle in post-processing. Follow these simple steps in Photoshop to gain control over gradients commonly found in blue sky images.

Join This Collaborative Discord Community for Landscape Photographers

Landscape Photographers Worldwide is a dedicated Discord channel for landscape photographers to come together and discuss the tools of the trade. Whether you are looking to discuss gear and locations, share your images, or receive direct feedback from your peers, this community delivers immense benefit for landscape photographers looking to connect and collaborate with like-minded creatives, and it is entirely free to join!

We Review The Logitech G600 Mouse: Photoshop Gamechanger

Once you try this mouse from Logitech, it is likely that your Wacom tablet will be pushed to the back of your desk to gather dust. With 20 fully programmable buttons, including a clickable scroll wheel that also tilts either way, the level of functionality reached with this mouse is unmatched by any mouse or peripheral device on the market. Not to mention, it's budget-friendly!

Learn to Utilize Frequency Separation in Landscape Photography

Frequency separation is a Photoshop technique that involves "separating" the colors in an image from the textures. Though typically used by portrait photographers for retouching a model's skin, it's a useful tool for landscape photographers to have on their belts. In this article, I outline two cases in which frequency separation helped me process a recent image.

10 Pro Tips for Photographing Landscape Reflections

As landscape photographers, one skill that always requires honing is composition. Essentially, we seek to find a bit of beauty in the chaos of nature and then capture it in a frame. Finding and capturing reflections is a great way to portray order and symmetry. Here I've compiled some tips and tricks that can help you master your reflection compositions.