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Narendra Gorantla

Bookmarked Articles

The Power of Layers in Landscape Photography

A photograph is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional scene, and as such, part of the challenge posed to the photographer is recreating a sense of depth in the image. This is particularly important to holding your viewer's attention in landscape photography, and one of the most effective ways to accomplish this is through the use of layers. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to leverage them to create more effective photos.

How to Correctly Place a Softbox When Lighting a Portrait

When it comes to portrait photography, the softbox is one of the most fundamental and versatile tools you can have in your kit. If you are new to working with artificial lighting, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you how to properly place a softbox to get the best results.

7 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Creating a successful landscape photo takes creative vision, solid technique, and often, a bit of luck. If you would like to improve your landscape images, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you seven helpful tips sure to help you improve your photography.

5 Reasons to Not Be a Wedding Photographer

Wedding photography can be a rewarding genre and can also be lucrative if you can make it to the upper echelons, but just like any other one, it has plenty of drawbacks as well. If you are newer to photography and exploring your options, check out this interesting video essay from an experienced wedding photographer that discusses five reasons why you might want to think twice before you pursue wedding photography.

Lessons a Professional Landscape Photographer Has Learned After 10 Years in Business

Of all the genres out there, landscape photography is probably one of the most nebulous when it comes to establishing yourself professionally and building a career out of it. This great video features an experienced professional discussing his journey from amateur to professional landscape photographer over the last decade and many of the lessons he has learned along the way.

My Go-to Gear for Nighttime Landscape Photography

Shooting landscapes at night often calls for gear that isn’t entirely essential for shooting during the day. Here are some suggestions for shooting single images, as well as star trails and time-lapse photography.

One of the Keys to Improving Your Landscape Photography

One of the most interesting and sometimes frustrating aspects of landscape photography is that you get no control over the elements of the frame, the lighting, or the surrounding conditions. And that will often mean that things will not be as you hoped or planned, but that should not deter you. This excellent video features an experienced landscape photographer discussing one of the key elements to improving your work.

A Guide to Retouching Portrait Images

When it comes to portrait photos, lighting and shooting the image is only half of the process. Knowing how to edit your images with a careful touch while still applying your signature creative look is the other half. This excellent video tutorial will show you how one photographer edits his shots using a combination of Lightroom and Photoshop.

A Look at Some Common Beginner Portrait Photography Mistakes

Portrait photography is one of the most popular genres out there, and it brings its own challenges and pitfalls. If you are new to portraiture and would like to improve your work, check out this fantastic video tutorial that details some common mistakes beginners make and what you can do to fix them or avoid them entirely in the first place.

Fast High-End Retouching in Photoshop

When learning to retouch skin in Photoshop, most people start with frequency separation. Has Adobe now made skin retouching even easier with Neural Filters?

Cityscape Photography Made Easy: 3 Simple Tips

Photographing the busy city doesn’t have to be complicated. If you don’t have filters and other specialized tools for landscape and cityscape photography, here are some tips to do it with ease.

Why Make Black and White Landscape Photos?

Hop on Instagram and look at landscape photography, and you will often be greeted by a veritable plethora of eye-catching images awash with vibrant colors. And there is certainly nothing wrong with that, but black and white images can be equally compelling. So, why make black and white landscape images? How do they differ in their impact? This great video explores the topic.

5 Steps for Creating a Landscape Photo

Landscape photography is a challenging genre, requiring good technique, creativity, processing skills, planning, and often, just a bit of luck. If you are looking to improve your landscape images, this helpful video tutorial will show you the five-step process a seasoned photographer uses in order to consistently create compelling shots.

Turning Day to Night in Adobe Photoshop

Whether you couldn't shoot at the time you wanted or you just want to experiment with composites and heavier editing, this video will show you how to make a complete transformation.

3 Tips for Becoming a More Successful Professional Photographer

Being a successful professional photographer is no easy task, and it takes the ability to simultaneously juggle a wide variety of different skills and responsibilities. If you want to give yourself a better chance of finding long-term success as a photographer, check out this great video that will give you three tips to help you find success.

Create Your Own Time-Lapse Templates for Lightroom Classic

Five years ago, I made a video about creating time-lapses solely in Lightroom Classic using the Slideshow Module. It was an experiment in pushing the boundaries of what Lightroom could feasibly do, and over the years it has garnered over 175K views, which was completely unintentional, but a very welcome surprise.

Helpful Tips for Editing Black and White Landscape Photos in Lightroom

When you think of landscape photos, you likely think of vibrant, eye-catching colors. And while that is a popular look for sure, a black and white image can be uniquely powerful. Lightroom contains some surprisingly versatile tools for creating black and white edits, and this helpful video tutorial will show you some great tips for getting the most out of those features.

How to Take Photos Without a Lens

The lens is obviously one of the most fundamental pieces of photography gear along with the camera, but strictly speaking, you do not actually need one to create an image. This interesting video will take you behind the scenes of a neat photography process that lets you take photos without even using a lens and show you the workflow and results.

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