The Nikon Z6 III: A Transformative Camera That Might Give Sony Shooters Reason to Jump Ship?

With the release of their new Z6 III hybrid camera, has Nikon just thrown the proverbial cat among the pigeons for anybody looking for a new camera that can hold its own in both video and still photography? Based upon this first look at a pre-production Nikon Z6 III, the answer might well be yes.

There’s a good argument to be made—and Hugh Brownstone of Three Blind Men and An Elephant is making it in this video—that there's been something of a pause of late in the release of what one might call "groundbreaking" or "game-changing" features in the hybrid cameras produced by the dominant players in the market like Sony. And the corollary to this argument is that this pause has given some of the other players, like Nikon, the opportunity to catch up and even overtake the previous leaders in some respects.

Take the new Nikon Z6 III, for example. Although a pre-production version of the camera is featured in this first look review, it certainly does appear that Nikon has produced a transformative camera for the brand, and one that may well give videographers and photographers alike pause when considering the purchase of their next camera. With its advanced video specs in addition to all of the tasty Nikon imaging goodness that we have just come to expect from this renowned brand, the Nikon Z6 III looks like a camera that will truly excel in both video and still image capture.

From a competitive perspective, it's worth noting that in addition to its lofty specs, the Z6 III also offers access to the wide-ranging and stellar lineup of Nikon glass, arguably better ergonomics than the Sony bodies, and all for a tad under $2,500—a price point at which this new Nikon offering definitely seems positioned to take a healthy bite out of the hybrid shooter market.

Gordon Webster's picture

Gordon Webster is a professional photographer based in New England. He has worked with clients from a wide range of sectors, including retail, publishing, music, independent film production, technology, hospitality, law, energy, agriculture, construction, manufacturing, medical, veterinary, and education.

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Admittedly the specs are good even though it is overpriced but to call it transformative is a stretch. I like to understand the author's definition of "transformative". You could argue something like a global shutter perhaps for some could be transformative. There are any number of dual purpose cameras for the 2 years and transformatiion, if any, has already occured and this camera is unlikely to change any of that trajectory. In the Nikon line up, Z8 is close to being tranformative at best.

Jump ship why ? Not unless they pay for the loss of the lenses

George, did you lose your lenses again?? Sony or Canon wouldn’t pay for any lenses you lost either! (lol)

Just trying to make a point. Most cameras and systems are so good these days, so tossing the ''switching system'' as often is being used is idiotic.