Don't Fall for the Shallow Depth of Field Trap

Depth of field is a fundamental concept that can dramatically impact the quality and storytelling of your images. It's not just about blurring the background; it's about thoughtfully controlling what elements are in focus and how they relate to each other within the frame.

A Versatile Two-Light Setup for Beauty Photography

Lighting can make or break a shoot, especially when it comes to commercial beauty photography. Having a go-to lighting setup that you can rely on will streamline your workflow and ensure consistent, high-quality results for your clients.

The Case for DSLRs in a Mirrorless World 

DSLRs offer photographers numerous advantages in 2024, and the availability of high-quality DSLRs at affordable prices, coupled with a vast selection of lenses, makes them an attractive option for photographers seeking exceptional value.

Creative White Balance for Landscape Photography 

White balance is a fundamental image property that can dramatically affect the mood and overall look of a shot. While achieving a technically neutral white balance is important for accurate color representation, many photographers also use white balance creatively to enhance the artistic impact of their images.

Looking Into the Possibilities for Using an External Screen for Photography

An external recorder can be a good choice for video. Such a recorder has no use for photography, but it can function as an external screen. Since you don’t need the recording option, there are some affordable possibilities as well. Perhaps an external screen can be of benefit for your photography?

Lightroom Techniques for Impactful Photography 

Isolating your subject is a key technique that can dramatically improve your images. It helps draw the viewer's eye to the most important part of the picture, creating a more engaging and impactful photograph. Whether you're shooting portraits, landscapes, or product photography, mastering this technique can elevate your work.

7 Hidden Features in the Fujifilm X100VI

The new Fujifilm X100VI is going to be a best-seller, that's for sure. But despite how popular modern cameras can become, there are still plenty of features that aren't common knowledge, and the X100VI is no exception.
How to Create Harmony Through Color Matching in Photoshop

Color plays a crucial role in photography, influencing the mood, atmosphere, and overall impact of your images. Achieving color harmony within your compositions can elevate your work and create a visually pleasing experience for viewers. A little work in Photoshop can get you closer.

A Monochromatic Approach to Wildflower Photography 

Springtime often inspires photographers to capture the vibrant colors of blooming wildflowers. While the allure of colorful floral photography is undeniable, there's a unique beauty in exploring wildflowers through the lens of black and white. By stripping away color, you can focus on the intricate textures, shapes, and forms of these delicate subjects, revealing a different dimension of their character.

All the Power You Need: We Review the Mango Power E

We've already reviewed several power stations that allow you to power your gear on the road or even your office at home. The solar generator we show you today goes beyond that. The Mango Power E has sufficient power and capacity for energy-hungry studios and demanding productions.

Six Composition Secrets for Stunning Travel Photos

Composition is a crucial element in photography, often separating a good photo from a truly captivating one. While understanding camera settings is essential, developing your eye for composition can elevate your images and help you create a unique style.

Viltrox's Budget-Friendly Ultrawide Lens Delivers Impressive Performance

Viltrox has stepped up to the plate with their affordable AF 16mm f/1.8 autofocus lens, now available for Nikon Z and Sony E mount cameras. This full-frame lens offers a compelling combination of features, making it an attractive option for a variety of photographic applications.

Why Your Gear Matters Most for the Ultimate Photography Genre

Bird photography is arguably the most demanding genre. The equipment quality, the photographer's camera skills, and their ability to create a narrative are pushed far beyond any other genre. Here’s what I discovered about cameras, lenses, and bird photography.

5 Lightroom Secrets for Better Photo Edits

There are some hidden tools and techniques in Lightroom that can transform your images. This helpful video tutorial explores five essential Lightroom tips from a seasoned pro.

Photography Essentials: Timeless Advice for All Levels

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your photographic journey, continuous learning and growth are crucial for success. This helpful video tutorial will put you on the right track.

15 Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Color Grading Process in Davinci Resolve

For years, I have heard good things about Davinci Resolve as a powerful industry-standard video editing software. Despite all the positive things I have heard, I was reluctant to make the shift from Adobe Premiere Pro, fearing the entire process of relearning new software from scratch. However, motivated by the frustration of frequent crashes, I have finally made the call for the long-needed switchover.

A Beginner's Guide to Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is a fundamental concept in photography, influencing not only the brightness of your images but also the way motion is depicted. Understanding how to manipulate shutter speed is crucial for capturing sharp images of moving subjects or creating intentional blur for artistic effect.

The Future of Technology and the Art of Photography

As technology in photography continues to evolve at a rapid pace, many photographers find themselves grappling with the implications of these advancements. While some embrace the new tools and possibilities, others express concerns about the potential impact on the art form itself.

Streamlining Your Photo Editing Workflow With the TourBox Light

As a photographer, efficiency in post-processing is crucial to your workflow. Spending less time editing means more time shooting, marketing your business, or simply enjoying your life outside of photography. Thankfully, tools like the TourBox Light can significantly expedite your editing process, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your work.

Mastering Natural Light: Essential Techniques for Stunning Portraits

The ability to manipulate and control light is a fundamental skill for any photographer, especially when working with natural light in outdoor portrait settings. Understanding how to shape and modify sunlight allows you to create dimension, depth, and mood.

We Review the PanoX V2: Capable, but Is It Competitive?

I’ve often said there’s not a bad camera on the market today. At this point, that logic is starting to apply to 360 cameras as well. Though there are no bad cameras — and the PanoX V2 is included in that — there are also cameras that may be more worth your hard-earned money.

Two Recommended Workflows to Curate Your Photos for Every Photoshoot

In the world of digital photography, our discussion topic has always revolved around equipment, software tricks, and tips for getting better images. But deep down, we should know that data management discipline after every shoot is also crucially important. After all, what is there to edit and publish if there is mishandling of our photo files?

How Many Megapixels Does Your Eye Really Have? 

As a photographer, you understand the importance of capturing sharp, detailed images. But have you ever considered how the capabilities of the human eye influence the technology we use to create and view those images?

5 Tips for Street Photography Composition

Street photography is one of the most revered genres of the craft, with a rich history and some of the most famous images ever taken. But, it's not an easy genre to master, so here are five tips for composing the frame.
10 Suggestions for Creative Waterfall Photos

It’s always fun to take pictures of a waterfall. It doesn’t matter if the waterfall is small or huge. The movement of the water, the mist around it, and the patterns in the water are amazing subjects to capture. I have 10 suggestions for a variety of creative waterfall photos.

The Fujifilm X100VI: Is It Worth Hype?**

The Fujifilm X100 series has garnered a cult following, and the X100VI is the latest iteration to capture the hearts of photography enthusiasts. But is it all hype, or does this camera truly live up to its reputation?

Portrait Photography Insights from a Pro

Taking stunning portraits goes beyond technical skills; it's about understanding human connection and capturing the essence of your subject. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting, refining your portrait skills is crucial for creating impactful images.

5 Photography Breakthroughs That Will Transform Your Images

Understanding the fundamentals of photography is crucial for capturing worthwhile images. While technical aspects like camera settings and equipment are important, developing a keen eye for light, composition, and storytelling is what truly elevates your photography.

Apple Pushes Boundaries with Powerful New iPad Pro Featuring M4 Chip and Stunning Display

Apple has once again raised the bar with the unveiling of its latest iPad Pro, boasting a revolutionary display, the powerful M4 chip, and innovative features designed to empower creative professionals and casual users alike. Available in 11-inch and 13-inch models, the new iPad Pro is thinner and lighter than ever before, making it the most portable iteration of Apple's flagship tablet to date.

Apple Unveils New iPad Air: More Power, More Versatility, More Choices

Apple has just announced a significant update to its popular iPad Air line, introducing a redesigned 11-inch model and an all-new 13-inch option. This marks the first time the iPad Air is available in two sizes, catering to users who prefer a more portable device and those who desire a larger canvas for work and creativity. Both models boast impressive upgrades, including the powerful M2 chip, enhanced AI capabilities, a landscape-oriented front camera, and faster Wi-Fi 6E connectivity.

Apple Unveils M4 Chip: Powering the Next Generation of iPad Pro

Apple has introduced their latest Silicon, the M4 chip. This powerful system-on-a-chip (SoC) is set to debut in the newly redesigned iPad Pro, promising a significant leap in performance and capabilities. Built using a cutting-edge 3-nanometer process, the M4 chip boasts impressive power efficiency while delivering remarkable speed and functionality.

A Deep Dive into the Leica M11 Monochrom

Truly harnessing the power of monochrome requires intention and a deep understanding of light and shadow. The Leica M11 Monochrom, a dedicated black and white camera, presents a compelling option for photographers seeking to explore this art form, albeit at a very high price. Is it worth that cost?

The Battle of the Travel Cameras in Paris

The title of this article sounds like the nichest of films — albeit one I'd gladly watch — but it's actually the premise of a photographer who took some of the best travel cameras money can buy on a trip to pit them against one another.
Nik Collection 7 Released: Faster and Newer, But Loses A Bit Along the Way

The Nik Collection, a set of seven photo editing tools, has just received a version number update. Version 7 brings with it primarily speed and workflow improvements, but is that enough to justify a whole new upgrade? In this review, I’ll discuss the new features, improvements, and even a surprise missing feature of this venerable editing suite.

Small Studio, Big Results: Mastering Portraits With One Speedlight

The ability to craft stunning portraits isn't solely determined by the size of your studio or the expense of your equipment. In fact, with a bit of ingenuity and understanding of light, you can achieve professional-quality results in a limited space using just a single speedlight. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how.

Rediscovering the Joy of Photography: Embracing the Journey

As photographers, we often find ourselves searching for inspiration to fuel our creativity and improve our craft. This pursuit of inspiration can be both exciting and challenging, regardless of where we are in our photographic journey. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, finding ways to stay motivated and passionate about photography is crucial for long-term growth and enjoyment.

Do You Really Need More Megapixels?

Choosing a new camera can be overwhelming, especially with the constant emphasis on megapixels in marketing materials. While more megapixels generally translate to more detail, it's crucial to understand how they impact your photography and whether a higher megapixel count truly aligns with your needs.

Viltrox 40mm f/2.5 Review: A Budget Prime Lens for Nikon Z Mount

For Nikon Z mount users seeking an affordable prime lens, the Viltrox 40mm f/2.5 is an intriguing option. This great video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in practice.

The Proven Classic: A Long-Term Review of The Fujifilm XF 56mm f/1.2 R

Every once in a while, a piece of gear becomes an instant classic. The Fujifilm XF 56mm f/1.2 R carries that title with pride and deservedly so! I have been using it for nearly a decade and cannot recommend it enough. It's a brilliant lens with flaws that are easy to ignore.

Post-Processing Techniques for Stunning Landscape Photos

The ability to transform a raw image into a final piece is a crucial skill for any landscape photographer. If you're new to editing your images and need a little guidance, check out this fantastic video tutorial.