Photographer Has Defamation Action Thrown Out by Court After Claiming Dispute Over Nude Shoot in a Castle Has Ruined His Business

Back in 2017, a story emerged in which a Scottish photographer entered into a nasty legal battle with The National Trust over “artistic nudes” he shot inside one of their castles. Fast-forward a little over two years, and the photographer has now learned his defamation action has failed in seeking the £50,000 he says he’s owed after he claims the drama saw a 50% drop in bookings for the photography courses he runs.

Canon EOS C500 Mark II Versus Canon EOS R: Can the Mirrorless Camera Keep Up?

At $16,000 for the camera body only, the Canon C500 Mark II is an impressive 6K camera that meets the needs of independent filmmakers and videographers alike. What happens if you can't afford a B camera at the same level as the C500 Mark II? Can the Canon EOS R keep up and deliver with its 4K footage?

Canon May Have Seven More Amazing RF Lenses Due for Release in 2020

Canon seems to be a little bit shy about announcing the lenses for the new RF mount that are due to appear in 2020. The official roadmap is still a little thin, but rumors are emerging, and we could see a total of seven lenses in the next ten months.

How to Find the Best Composition in Landscape Photography

A good landscape scene often affords a wide variety of potential compositions, and it can be difficult to know how to evaluate them all and find the one that will create the best photo. If that is something you struggle with, this excellent video will give you some helpful tips for finding the best compositions for your landscape images.

Is Nikon's 58mm f/0.95 Lens Worth Its $8,000 Price Tag?

The Nikon NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct is a fantastic lens with a stratospheric price tag to match. What is it like to shoot with, and is the image quality worth the price? This great video answers those questions.

This Is How Much Work It Takes to Make a YouTube Video

Consistently crafting compelling, professionally produced, and innovative YouTube content is no small feat, and you might be surprised by just how much work goes into even the smallest and most straightforward videos. This fascinating video takes a look behind the scenes at just what goes into making a YouTube video and the difficulties encountered along the way.

Photography Pricing for Beginners

Many visual artists have extreme talent, but no idea how to even charge. What's too much? What's too little? In too many cases, they stop the debate and don't charge for their services altogether. My goal is to start the wheel and get your business in motion. This post and video will give you a starting point.

How to Create Neon Background Effects in Your Studio Portraits

It’s always interesting to see how gelled lighting can shape the aesthetic of a portrait, especially when we can match that colored gel with a small amount of post production to create an interesting background to a scene. Here’s a quick photography breakdown and post processing tutorial that will help you create a neon sign inspired portrait with just a few complementary colored gels and Photoshop.

How the Epic Race Scenes in 'Ford v Ferrari' Were Made

Cinematographers help to bring the vision of the directors they work with to life through their use of practical and off screen lighting, motion capture techniques, and composition. Let’s go behind the scenes with Phedon Papamichael, ASC, the cinematographer from Ford v Ferrari, and see how he helped formulate the lighting and capture of some of the most epic racing scenes in years.

A Review of the Nikon D780 Camera

The Nikon D780 is fresh on the scene, and it brings with it a bevy of improvements and new features over its predecessor that are sure to intrigue a lot of Nikon shooters looking for a reasonably priced full frame camera that can handle a range of scenarios competently. If you are considering purchasing one, this great video review will tell you what you can expect.

How to Retouch a Photo Using Dodging and Burning

There is a multitude of advanced retouching tools and techniques out there for working on portraits, but believe it or not, many of the world's top retouchers prefer a much simpler technique: dodging and burning. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to use dodging and burning for retouching skin in Photoshop.

Stop Worrying and Shoot What You Want to in Photography

There is a lot of pressure to conform to certain styles, techniques, subject matter, and manners of shooting in photography, but at the end of the day, you answer to yourself and no one else. If you struggle with this, you should watch this thought-provoking video that discusses the importance of staying true to yourself as a photographer.

Just How Powerful Is 5.5K Raw Video on the Canon 1D X Mark III?

The Canon 1D X Mark III made quite the splash when it was announced, with numerous head-turning features sure to please many professionals. Perhaps one of the most impressive is the new 5.5K raw video capability (at 60 fps no less) using the full width of the sensor. This great video takes a look at using the new feature in a low-light scenario.

I Stopped Insuring My Cameras

I read articles on here all the time about wedding photographers losing all of their gear while traveling, break-ins at studios, and general destruction of camera gear. In spite of all of this, I decided to cancel my equipment insurance.

Black Girl Magic and Beyond: What I Learned Photographing Women in Honor of Black History Month

This series of photographs was initially intended to celebrate the beautiful diversity of black women in honor of Black History Month, but by the end of the shoot, it had become so much more than that. I’m going to attempt to explain the powerful effect this shoot had on me, though I have to admit I may not have the words to properly elucidate why.

One Million Ways to Do Things in Lightroom

If there's one thing I've learned over time, it's that there are often different ways to accomplish the same task. Likewise, every Lightroom user does things in different ways. That doesn't make it wrong; it's just different.

See the Night Sky Come Alive in This Creatively Blended Time-Lapse

The night sky is one of life's true gifts. Capturing its beauty in a single frame with a camera is one thing, but creating something with thousands of images takes some serious skill and not surprisingly, turns out pretty amazing.

Survey of Wedding Photographers Shows Taking Pictures Accounts for Only 4% of Their Time

Stats from an annual survey conducted with over 300 professional wedding photographers have seemingly revealed that as little as 4% of their business time is spent taking photos. Pressing the shutter button is eclipsed by tasks such as emailing and organizing ahead of the big day, culling pictures, editing and retouching, as well as other business administration.

This Is the Best Portrait Lens I've Ever Shot With

A few years ago, I reviewed the Hasselblad H6D 100c, and one of my biggest complaints was the lenses. This is not the case with Hasselblad's X1D system. Every XCD lens I've tested has far outperformed my expectations, and now, I've found the best portrait lens I've ever shot with.

Should You Invest in Gear, Marketing, or Education?

Photography is certainly not a cheap endeavor, and it can be difficult to know where to invest your money to maximize your chances of success. Gear is undoubtedly fun, but there is more to success than just that new camera, and this great video explores where you should consider investing your money beyond just equipment.

5 Common Landscape Photography Mistakes

Landscape photography is a genre that takes the confluence of many factors to create a successful image, and a mistake in any of those factors can throw off the entire process. This excellent video discusses five common mistakes landscape photographers make and how you can fix them.

Why Are Expensive Cameras Missing These Features?

Top of the line cameras often have some really impressive specs and capabilities, but they also often lack some fairly straightforward features for seemingly strange reasons. Why is that? This great video explores the topic.

Why I Had to Hike a Mountain to Photograph President Trump

When I heard President Trump was coming to my hometown of Phoenix, I knew I had a unique opportunity to photograph a very special plane — one of the two Boeing VC-25As that use the call sign Air Force One. Of course, with no special access, I had to get pretty creative to get the image I envisioned — here’s how I did it.

How Good Is the New Nikon D780?

The Nikon D750 has been a highly regarded camera for quite some time, and its successor, the D780 builds on that legacy. With a highly practical and balanced feature set, it looks quite capable of satisfying the needs of a wide range of shooters. This excellent video review takes a comprehensive look at the new DSLR to help you decide if it is right for you.

How to Combine Multiple Catalogs in Lightroom

As your career progresses and you accumulate more and more images, you will be more likely to start breaking off into multiple Lightroom catalogs. Eventually, however, you might need to recombine catalogs. This excellent video will show you how to combine multiple Lightroom catalogs while ensuring that everything stays the way it should.

Senior Portraits
Critique the Community

Senior Portraits

Submit Your Best Senior Portraits For Critique

For this critique, we want to see your best "senior portrait," (high school senior, not senior citizen).  In our latest competition (which will be released soon), both Pye and Patrick said my submission looked like a senior portrait, and they meant that as an insult.

This contest has ended.
How to Make Your Wide Angle Landscape Photos Better

Wide angle lenses are the bread and butter choice for numerous landscape photographers, but they also come with their own unique set of challenges. If you struggle with getting good images with your wide angle lens, this great video will walk you through the process of creating a couple photos using one.

Influencer Fakes Extravagant Bali Vacation by Going to IKEA

It is no secret that the lives of influencers can be a bit, well, manufactured, but sometimes, we need a reminder of that. One influencer showed just how easily people can buy into all the hype by faking an entire trip to Bali by doing nothing more than going to her local IKEA.

12 Essential Camera Angles Every Filmmaker Should Know

Part of telling a coherent story through video is having a strong command of camera angles and how they can affect the information and emotion you convey to the viewer. This excellent video will show you 12 essential camera angles, what they are used for, and how to properly film them.

30 Years Later: A Look at Photoshop 1.0

Believe it or not, it has been 30 years since the release of Photoshop version 1.0, and the application has come quite a long way in those three decades. This fascinating video takes a look at what it was like using version 1.0 of the program all those years ago.

Isn't Boudoir Just Softcore Porn? [NSFW]

The visual arts have a long history with the naked form. What could be more natural than nakedness, more natural than how we entered the world? Or are we kidding ourselves, and is boudoir just softcore porn?