Driving A Lot for Work? Track your Miles with Mile IQ

I never thought I would be in my car so much for work until I started doing photography as a job. As a real estate photographer in New Jersey, I am driving up to 300 miles a day from house to house and back home, shooting photos, videos, and aerials. Within the past six months, I have put just over 10,000 miles on my car and before that, I put 32,000 miles on a car that I was leasing for a year and a half. I was always told to track my miles so I could use that as a tax write off but I would never be sure exactly how far I traveled and I also thought that would be the most annoying thing ever... So I figured I would just estimate how far I drove or save my gas receipts to show how many times I've had to fill up my car just to drive around for work. One day after not thinking much about all of this, my buddy told me I should get Mile IQ, an app that automatically tracks your miles and you don't have to do anything until the end of the day when you are done driving but swipe left or right to mark it as a business drive or personal drive.

I've had the app for two days now and it is one of the easiest things I have ever used for tracking my miles strictly because I don't even have to worry about doing it. At the end of the day after traveling all over, I come home and swipe right or left to mark my drives as business or personal. I'm also the type of person who hates having multiple things open in the background on my phone, so I always swipe out of all my open apps. That being said, if you end up closing Mile IQ, it will warn you that it is off, however you can swipe out of it and still have it running in the background. My only concern with this is app is that with the location and everything being on and tracking all the time, I almost feel like I am being watched or monitored, so lets hope that's not the case. Now, of course there is a free version of the app, but if you drive enough, you have the option to upgrade; in the long run it, it may end up saving you more than you imagined. If you are driving a lot for work related things, I figured I'd mention this app for you to try and see if it helps you out! 

I am a huge nerd when it comes to drones and have been flying for over 4 years. I enjoy doing aerial photography as my personal work but shoot tons of video for work as well. I am a part of Simply Visual Productions and Simply Sounds, working my way into an industry I couldn't be happier to be a part of.

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