Recent Videography Articles

Luxembourg Air Rescue Trailer By Claude Kongs

Claude Kongs is an overseas director and his latest trailer for the movie Luxembourg Air Rescue is pretty amazing. What do you do when you are disappointed by the "unsexiness of your location"? Click the full post to watch a lengthy behind the scenes video on how this trailer was filmed.

Portfolio: Luxembourg Air Rescue Promo Movie from Claude Kongs on Vimeo.

The Last 3 Minutes Revisited

About a month ago we shared Shane Hurlbut's video The Last 3 Minutes and the behind the scenes on the making of that video. Here is another look at some more scenes from the short movie all filmed on the Canon 5D Mark II. It's really cool to see Shane taking the time to give commentary over this BTS footage. Enjoy.
Behind the scenes of how a Canon 500mm lens is made

A reader emailed me this video a while back and I finally got around to watching it. If you enjoy watching how things are made you will really appreciate the amount of effort that goes into making pro level lenses. I have never thought of my lenses coming ultimately from a bunch of powder! Click the post to watch all three videos and see the final product <
How To Make A Transparent Car

"Can we make a transparent car?... Of course, we can do anything given the time and the budget"
Leo Burnett Creates "Space Chimp" And Makes Me Sad

This video does not have the most informative behind the scenes video to go along with it but it is so good that I wanted to post it anyway. View the full post to see "the making" of this fantastic short.

Space Chimp from Leo Burnett on Vimeo.

Stillmotion:  If you don't know them, you should

Stillmotion is a group of photographers turned videographers whose work literally knocks me out everytime I see it. Watching their final products is sure to change your view of wedding photographers in general, and for me personally, they make me feel like I have no clue what I'm doing behind a camera. Check out this BTS of them working on a Trash the Dress session and click on the post to see what they can do with a full wedding. It's absolutely amazing!

||StillMotion||BehindTheScenes|| from Casey Warren | MIND CASTLE on Vimeo.

Canon's Emmy Award Winning Commercial BTS

I actually just stumbled upon this and was really impressed. View the full post to see the behind the scenes video.

CANON Commercial - Freeze Tag from Saman Keshavarz on Vimeo.

How To Mount A Camera To A Drifting BMW

Dan Bartolucci and Gevorg Karensky over at Influxlab have put together a little montage video for everyone to see how they rigged the car camera up for the latest BMW M3 commercial. I'm sure many of you have wondered how they secured a camera when being so wreckless in a car; I guess now we all know.

BMW M3 - Behind The Scenes - Complete from Dan Bartolucci on Vimeo.

Okay Go Films A Video In One Take

In Okay Go's newest video, This Too Shall Pass, the band decided to build a Rube Goldberg Machine and film it unfold in one take. Click the link to watch how they filmed the whole thing and the challenges that come with creating something this unique. <
Ryan Hughes Shoots A Video With The 10FPS 1D Mark 3

So this is really cool. Ryan Hughes was in film; then he got into still photography; and now he is blurring the mediums together. Watch Ryan explain how he shot his latest short "RGB MOVE" below and then watch the final product in the full post.

RGB MOVE Behind The Scenes Documentary from Ryan Enn Hughes on Vimeo.

Seth Epstein Shoots Suzuki

Check out this amazing video created by Seth Epstein from The Group Digital Agency for Suzuki power bikes. Amazing stuff and much of it is shot with only available light! <
The Last 3 Minutes:  Amazing Video from the 5D Mark II

Check out the amazing video Shane Hurlbut put together using only the Canon 5D Mark II, and be sure to click the full post to see how he did it

"The Last 3 Minutes" Directed by Po Chan from Shane Hurlbut, ASC on Vimeo.

How To Snowboard On Leaves

Zimtstern, a clothing company needed a new commercial so they decided to advertise their snowboard apparel in a completely new way. Watch the behind the scenes video below and then the finished product in the full post.<
Patrick Lawler Inspires Me twice In 1 Week

A few days ago I posted Patrick's video of his friends jumping on a trampoline in the desert... I just ran across his skim boarding video on vimeo and I am once again smiling while I watch his work. You want to know how he did it? Simple; he put a GoPro HD Hero on a monopod and threw it around in the ocean. Love it!

GoPro HD - Skimboarding In A Storm! from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.

Zacuto Camera Shootout Episode II

The guys over at Zacuto have released their second video of their series that compares film cameras to the current lineup of DSLR cameras. In this video you will see how different ISOs compare across the various cameras tested. It's pretty interesting and this is about as thorough of a test you would probably ever care to run. The guys over at Zacuto have released their second video of their series that compares film cameras to the current lineup of DSLR cameras. In this video you will see how different ISOs compare across the various cameras tested. It's pretty interesting and this is about as thorough of a test you would probably ever care to run.

Zacuto Great Camera Shootout 2010 Webisode 2: How Sensitive Can You Get? from steve weiss on Vimeo.

Patrick Lawler Creates "What Goes Up"

In this video Patrick Lawler explains how he shot his fantastic short using the 7D, a trampoline, and a little special effects. Many of our readers have video equipped DSLRs. We should all be out creating unique art just like Patrick. View the full post to see the finished product and get inspired.

Behind The Scenes - What Goes Up (The Desert) from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.

The Latest Nissan Sentra SE-R commercial Is So Cool

Sometimes when filming a commercial you need to step back and view the large picture. Other times you need to view it small.... 1/10th scale small! Check out this video of the new Nissan as the entire crew show you how it was created and click the post to view the final commercial.<
Sam O’Hare makes NYC looks small

It is amazing what creative professionals are doing with their cameras. Sam O'Hare blew my mind today with his short NYC video called The Sandpit. I thought I knew how he created this but was completely wrong. Take a guess then click the link to read about how it was really shot.

The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.

Film VS DSLR Video

Many of you have already seen this but if you haven't you should check it out. Zacuto (the company that makes add-ons for DSLR video) has put together the most extensive video quality test I have ever seen. You can check out this weeks video at . Below is just a trailer since the full video is not able to be embedded any longer
Gary Jones And His Team Film A Backyard Burger Commercial

Watch Gary Jones direct his team as they film a short television ad for Backyard Burgers. Click the post to view the behind the scenes commentary.

BackYard Burgers Gouda Cheeseburger :30 from Jones Film Video on Vimeo.

Chase Jarvis Gets Dangerous

Chase Jarvis films some skateboarders for an investment company! Check out all the newest tools for filming HD video off your DSLR and that spare RED One camera collecting dust in your closet :) <
Alexx Henry Revisted

Alexx Henry raises the bar again with his latest magazine motion cover for release with the Apple ipad. It is not standard practice for Fstoppers to highlight two videos back to back but this was too good to pass up. Click the post to see how this was created and shot.
Alexx Henry Shoots A "Living Portrait"

Most photographers think outside the box. Alexx Henry starts outside the box and then crams it all back into the box. If there is one video to watch this week, this Outside Magazine cover shoot might be it!
Chase Jarvis Makes A Music Video

Chase Jarvis is probably one of the most successful commercial photographers working in America. Luckily he is also one of the most generous photographers when it comes to sharing his knowledge and behind the scenes footage. Click the link to read more about Chase and to see the final music video. Chase Jarvis RAW: making ramshackle hearse from Chase Jarvis on Vimeo.
How To Shoot Better Videos With Your DSLR 3 of 3

At this point we have discussed camera settings and audio gear. Now it is time for editing. If you shoot Canon or have a Mac this post really isn't for you. In this video I am talking directly to Nikon D300s users who will be editing with Adobe Premiere CS4. If you would like to learn quickly how to use Adobe Premiere CS4 then view the full post to see a list of helpful videos that we used to teach ourselves the software. UPDATE: EDIT NIKON VIDEOS IN FINAL CUT ADDED TO FULL POST.
How To Shoot Better Videos With Your DSLR 2 of 3

So yesterday we talked about setting your camera to shoot video. Today we get a little more complicated. Let's chat about audio. Tomorrow we will take it one step further and discuss the most dreaded part of video... editing! If you have a Canon camera that shoots video, view the full post to check out a video on audio made just for you. We are slowly turning all of you photographers into videographers; you'll thank us later... or you could thank us now in the comment box below. ><
How To Shoot Better Videos With Your DSLR 1 of 3

3 months ago Patrick and I didn't have the slightest idea how to shoot or edit video but in seeing the importance and the power of this movement we decided to teach ourselves how. It was challenging and frustrating (especially with Nikon gear) but we finally learned enough to produce decent videos quickly. If you own a DSLR that shoots video we are going to make this simple for you. In the next 3 days we are going to release 3 videos that discuss: camera settings, audio, and editing. Today let's start with the camera settings on the D300s. View the full post to see a similar video for Canon cameras. <
Philips Carousel

This online film by director Adam Berg and Stink Digital ( took home the Cannes Lions 2009 Film Grand Prix, and boy did it deserve it! Developed to highlight Philips new 21:9 cinema proportion television, the film consists of one long tracking shot a la Goodfellas (albeit with more explosions and clowns). Check out the visual masterpiece and then the making-of videos below. Betcha can't watch just once... <
Behind the Scenes:  2010 Olympic POWERade Commercial

This little piece of awesomeness comes from a behind the scenes video for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games sponsor POWERade. Canadian NHL hockey player Jerome Iginla takes the ice in a promotional video for POWERade's new 2010 Olympic bottle campaign.