Vancouver-based company Tric is attempting to be the maker of the first wireless flash trigger exclusively for the iPhone. They are taking their new invention to Kickstarter in hopes that popular demand will help their aspiring iPhone wireless flash trigger dreams come true. As they say in their Kickstarter ad, "Taking professional photos on your iPhone is a challenge. Without a way to properly light your scene, photos turn out looking too dark or unevenly lit." Taking professional photos with your iPhone is indeed quite the challenge, but if you're one of those professional photographers who uses their iPhone for their shoots, this may be for you.
The technology is Bluetooth-based, which conveniently saves on the cost of needing a mounted transmitter for the iPhone itself. To use the new groundbreaking iPhone technology, you'll need to be using their app which triggers the flash.

An iPhone photographer uses wireless the flash trigger with studio strobes.
Now, before you go selling your Canon, Nikon, and Leica cameras, you should know there are a few drawbacks. The first is that the shutter speed is limited to 1/30 of a second, which is unfortunate, but at the moment there is no workaround with the current sensor technology used by the iPhone. The second limitation is that there is no TTL metering; this means you will have to adjust the power from the flash. The final drawback is that this technology is exclusively for the iPhone at the moment, with no plans of supporting Android in the near future.

Tric is using the existing Bluetooth technology in the iPhone to eliminate the need for a mounted transmitter.
In truth, it's questionable whether there's really any point to something like this. Sure, you're using professional strobes to light a subject, and if you're someone who really knows what they're doing I'm sure you could get a passable image. But really, what's the point of using an iPhone if you're carrying around pro gear already? Even the most modest DSLR setup would provide results that would be light years beyond what an iPhone could achieve. Not only for the versatility of a DSLR but for the customization of one as well. The only argument one has for taking photos with an iPhone is the portability and accessibility of a camera that's already there because its first purpose is as a phone. If you're carrying around all this equipment, is there any point to using an iPhone?
For more information, or if you want to back the first wireless flash trigger for iPhone, visit their Kickstarter page.
I've been looking for something like this but not for professional work. I'm happy with my iPhone camera being the only camera with me on vacations but the poor low light performance has always made me want more. This could possibly be that solution as a nice portable vacation camera setup when hooked up to a tiny manual flash like an Sb300. I would still go to my point and shoot over my iPhone but this is a welcome addition.
"The World's First Wireless Flash Trigger for the iPhone Is Here" - No, it's not. Until it's actually selling it's just Kickstarter vapor-ware.
I thought that was really cool until I watched the video...
Same here. The video and examples of photos taken with the iphone and flash were very disappointing.
This is ridiculous. "Taking professional photos on your iPhone is a challenge" of course it is, it's a friggin' phone! this is very disrepectful to professional photographers because they're trying to make it look like any monkey with a phone and a flash can do the same as a trained pro.
That's a blessing since the iPhone camera can't shoot in the dark
Good that you see the light in it... Couldn't point out where it could come of use. #kudos.
I saw this the other day and was interested....I just wished these guys hired an ACTUAL photographer for the sample images. I think the poor use of what this product could be used for will hurt them. They went from below average images to average images.
But why?
Agreed - yeah yeah i get the iPhone is the best camera as its with you tag line, but if you are going to the trouble of packing and carrying strobes, then whats the extra mile to carry a camera?
I actually do se a LIMITED use for this. For example, a while ago I had planned to go out one day, set up a background and 1-2 lights in a busy park, and take as many portraits of random strangers as I could. Of course, I would need model releases from everyone, and as a way of incentive I was going to try and take a picture that could be emailed to them instantly with my iPhone using the same setup. At the time I thought that I would be able to use my TriggerTrap and an adapter, but after talking to their (very helpful) customer service department. I realized this was not possible.
Which leads me to question how this works. I had been under the impression that because if the rolling shutter that the iPhone uses, similar to a scanning back or flatbed scanner, that you would not be able to get a useable image with studio flash due to the short flash duration. I am curious as to the work around that this company used to solve the issue.
You lost me right after 'taking professional photos on your iPhone . . ."
Good thing I have this huge background set up for this model shoot, now lets incorporate this ladder into the background. Jokes aside, I don't see why if you are busting out the lighting equipment, you would then select a smart phone as your camera of choice. Maybe if you were trying to get a teaser out quick and had no wifi available this could be a solution. Maybe next we will see a RRS speedlight bracket for the iphone....
This review should be updated-
The final product is crap. The ISO function does not work on either paid or free version of the iOS app (triccam lite, triccam=$4.99) that needs to be used with the tric flash trigger. All photos taken with the trigger are overexposed. Also, the paid and free apps are identical in function- the ability to control shutter speed (still limited to 1/30) and white balance do not work in the paid version.
If they just fix the ISO function, the free version should be more than sufficient. It feels like I got scammed for total of 70 bucks with this product.
I am hoping to contact Potech and see if I can get a refund.