DxO and PracticalPhotography present you with a free to obtain OpticsPro 9 Elite License if you drop your email before June 30th. Ok, so it isn't the latest version of this powerful raw editor, but this version does come equipped with the PRIME noise reduction algorithm, so you can demo a full version free of charge before deciding to spend $199 for the latest incarnation.
Although lacking in organizing tools, DxO OpticsPro is an otherwise strong contender to Adobe Lightroom. Personally, I like using them in tandem to get the best results from my nightscape images. That PRIME (Probabilistic Raw IMage Enhancement) algorithm works very well in separating noise from stars, leaving you with an essentially noiseless night sky. It does take some getting used to, and while powerful, this noise reduction method takes its sweet time to render.
PRIME, as well as the ClearView modules are only available in the Elite versions of the editor. The Essential version comes in at $70 less, but isn't really worth it in my eyes if you already have Lightroom.

"Just Add Earth" - I've used OpticsPro's PRIME algorithm to reduce noise in the sky as well as in the foreground in this image of the International Space Station zipping by.
Speaking of which, OpticsPro integrates with Lightroom for a seamless, non-destructive workflow, too. One of the main things that has changed since version 9 is the rendering speed, but there are a lot of updates to each of its modules. DxO OpticsPro will read the metadata in your photo and prompt you to download the appropriate camera/lens module to compensate for any known defects to that combination, thus maximizing the quality of your work at an early stage in your workflow.
Interested in this deal? Try it here.
I've always liked the idea of DxO Optics Pro. But it's a concept that just doesn't do anything for those of us who primarily shoot manual lenses, sadly.
It works well with manual lenses too, you just don't get the automatic adjustment, but more or less every aspect or distortion can be adjusted manual, an specially if you add the features of Viewpoint...
I bought DxO 10 a while back when it was on sale, and I have to say that the PRIME NR engine failed miserably when using it on high ISO images, which of course is where you want it to excel the most. It crated really blotchy, mottled patches on planar areas (skies, walls, etc). I get similar results from the NR engine in Capture One. The Topaz NR software was also unimpressive to me. The only app I've tried so far that gives me decent NR is Lightroom.
Other than the NR engine, DxO is really for people who want simple, one-click solutions to image processing. Even then, I found the overall results I found to be hit or miss. At least you can try it out for yourself for free with this version, assuming your camera and lenses are supported in this version.
That's odd. Most folks complain that LR's NR is weak. Personally, I like Dfine for when I edit someone else's photos. Mine, of course, never have any noise! ;-)
Not sure what you mean by "weak", but so far LR has been the best program I've used on high ISO images. I'm talking 1600-6400 on M4/3, and up to 25600 full frame. In my use, I don't ever really remove all the noise, I merely temper it down to a more acceptable level. Trying to remove all the noise from any high ISO image will result in quite a nasty mess. I'll have a look at Dfine to see how it fares.
That wasn't my assessment...but those nameless, faceless "folks" ;-)
I was only half kidding when I wrote that I never have any noise! I'm more of an ISO 64, tripod kinda guy but I know what you mean about acceptable levels.
I don't know that Dfine is better than LR but I like the ability to selectively apply NR to my images. If that were the only reason to go into PS, I would just use LR.
Try Neat image.
This version crashes when trying to launch on my iMac running 10.12.4
Doesn't support Nikon D7XXX cameras. Lame.
I've got Optics Pro 8 from a previous giveaway, so this is an upgrade of sorts.
In reality, version 8 is OK but that's about all it is. Some of the effects aren't bad and I find the noise removal tool, under discussion here, to also be OK but no more than that.
Like Patrick, above, my favoured tool for noise removal, is Nik's Dfine. Strangely enough, I too, never need to use it on my own images!