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Color Grading

Submit your best color graded image for your chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
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Community Avg
2.68 - "Solid" 

Found near a swamp in Louisiana.
I do like the idea of creating beauty from death, as I consider the latter to be part of life, part of our world, and that we shall not shy away from it.
Constructive criticism welcome.

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Very cool shot, somehow reminds me of the silver birch forest shot of Peter Lik.

Hi Paul, I’m glad to see that I’ve already rated your image. Obviously I know that you’ve seen my images and understand my limitations, so please know that I am being specifically nitpicky just to point out some stuff that you might want to work on that stood out to my eye.
So the first thing that I am mediately noticed was the patch of grass in the bottom left-hand corner that appears read like the leaves but doesn’t seem like it naturally would be read. So it looks like errent brush strokes with an ajustment brush. I think that putting read over the grass just makes it look like he painted red over the leaves which sort of cheapens the entire image. I think my I would’ve preferred it just been left white like the rest of the grass or black it out like the edge of the frame if you don’t want to distract from the white in the center of the image.

So I think you selectively colored some of the flowers blue. Which is cool throwing a splash of blue and all that red, but what gave it away was I think there’s a clump of flowers right in the middle of the frame near the nose of the skull that are completely red like the leaves. Now you probably didn’t want to have a big clump of white or blue flowers right in the middle of your frame, so I get why they’re red. But the fact that they are red once again gives away that you have colored the other flowers. I would’ve just clone them out, or put leaves over top of them.
Also, I understand that there is a possibility that I am completely wrong on all of this. But I am just sharing with you the thought process that I am having, and that perhaps someone else might think while looking at this image.
Hopefully this came across as helpful and constructive and not douche at all.😉

Thank you for your feedback.
The blue flowers are actually blue flowers. The white flowers are white flowers. And the middle “flowers” are actually little leaves from another type of plant. ;)
About the bottom left batch of grass (and one stem to the left), I have to find something for improving it, yes. Probably going manually to dark red, or white (as some stems near the top-right corner).

Yep, told you I’m dumb. 😉😁

No. Not dumb. I actually went to check these were not greenish flowers. (Because I knew it had to be green considering how I worked on this.)