For this image, "13th Day", I wanted to do dreamy unrealistic color grade but still within a specific color scheme known to everyone, CMYK.
The two main colors I used are Pinkish Magenta (for hairs that were originally brown) which represents universal harmony and emotional balance, and Cyan/Turquoise which represents communication and clarity of mind. by combining these two colors we achieve an ultimate balance between our mind and our heart. and lastly, I used Yellow for the skin and background details, which makes it believable, natural, and bring a balance to the CMYK color scheme.
The number 13 is believed to be cursed for some cultures including mine. I took this image on 13th Day of the year which again is believed to be a negative day. I took it as an inspiration to change every color in the image into a positive one. And I guess it paid off, because "13th Day" is selected as the Photo Of The Day on April 2017.