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Real Estate Photography

Submit your best real estate image for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 24 Jul 19 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.11 - "Needs Work" 

High rise corporate building.

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It looks really noisy on my screen.

It is :( It's low res and idk if that added some pixelation/noise?

I'd give it a two, but the noise and crooked horizon.

So I got a 1?? lol I don't think this is a "Snap Shot" but definitely understand the noise. I do think this one needs some work. As for the crooked horizon, it's actually straight, but the fact that the road is a hill does make that part of the image look a little funky. Wasn't sure how to solve this. if you look at the buildings from the bushes up though, it is straight. Any advice would be great!!

I see that about the horizon now, my mistake. Horizons are still tricky for me sometimes, and I'm working on that. Thank you for pointing that out. As to the noise, my best advice is to keep in mind your equipment's low-light performance. To high of ISO on the wrong camera adds noise (not all bodies are created equally). Also, noise can come up in post too, especially when adjusting things like tones and colors. Did you reduce luminance and increase saturation on blues and purple in this case?

All good! and 100% lol Actually, this shot was hand held as I was out walking one nigh. So the ISO was a little high but I pushed it a lot in post. Thank you though this is great feedback for next time!!