Critique the Community

Long Exposure

Submit your best long exposure image to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Nov 12, 2019, 4:45 AM

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
1.92 - "Needs Work" 

I really don't mind the low score but it would be nice to know what people don't like about this photo or how I could improve it.

This is the eastern shore of Cape Cod MA USA. I waited for a cloudless day to get this. Shot with a Fujifilm X100F, a B+W 10 stop ND filter and the built in 3 stop filter on 9/13/201 and the exposure is 50 seconds.This was shot from a bluff perhaps 75 feet above the sea. The larger debris on the shore are about the the size of a person. I was inspired by the minimalist work of Hiroshi Sugimoto.
Please say what you like or dislike about this.

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