Welcome back to our weekly segment of Photographing The World Behind the Scenes where we take you through the process of filming our landscape photography tutorial with Elia Locardi. In last week's video, episode 2, we ran through 4 different lessons in 4 completely different locations around Iceland. This week's location, a glacier ice cave, was so amazing that we decided to dedicate an entire episode to it.
We actually never planned on visiting this glacier ice cave. Elia had mentioned that these caves do exist but he also said that he had never been able to see one in person because each time he had visited Iceland, the cave tours were already sold out. Also these caves are only accessable in the winter because they are simply too unstable to explore when temperatures are above freezing. We made a reservation at Hali Country Hotel to film a lesson at the Glacier Lagoon and while we were there we were approached by a local guide. He told us that he had an opening the very next day and would be willing to give us a private tour of the Ice Cave. The tour included a 4 wheel drive SUV and it certainly wasn't cheap but it was well worth the price.
This lesson ended up becoming all about managing "scale" in your images. Elia decided to put himself in the image so that you can actually tell the size of the ice cave.

Elia Locardi Ice Cave Iceland
A very small number of people are able to visit the ice cave each day and I feel very fortunate to have been able to see it during my very first trip to Iceland. It ended up being one of the highlights of the entire 3 months of filming.
In case you've missed the other episodes you can easily find them below.
You can find the finished tutorial in the Fstoppers Store.
really Cool Episod!! SIgi Sigi Sigi :D
I think we need to create a tv show about Siggy
Holy Yeah!!! Siggy and his Adventures :D
it's great! we were shooting on the ice of Lake Baikal in winter. This photo by Sergey Krestov
Wow. That's a bad ass shot
This is a very fast shot. icicles falling)))
cool video!
You guys rock! so cool to have the drone shoot to appreciate the scale!
Glad you're enjoying it
Awesome! I don't know yet about the tutorial but the adventures are to die for.
Siggy is amazing!
These behind the scenes shorts are awesome Lee & Patrick, thanks so much for sharing.
So awesome to see all of these amazing places and stunning work you are all creating!
You all are going to have to sell a lot of this tutorial to make up for Lee's drone disasters LOL
I love these BTS!
It didn't break!
LOL my bad....
Didn't Patrick say something like 6 drones were injured in the filming? I may be making stuff up, either way, WORTH IT! The footage from them just gives you a whole new perspective on the landscape! It ALMOST made me want to go... ALMOST [I think I may get lost and not know where to go lol]
I can't get over how incredible the landscape is... thank you for sharing this!
I visited Iceland for the first time last December and it was an amazing experience. I was fortunate enough to visit that same ice cave.
I hope it's alright if I can share a video that I shot on my trip there.
I'm dying to go back in the Spring/Summer when it's green.
Fantastic video. How did you film those walking shots?
Thank you so much! I used a Glidecam HD4000 and I greatly underestimated the difficulty of using it across some of the terrain. So much fun though!
It looked great. I knew you had to be using something
Hey Jeremy,
on my first trip to Iceland, I missed out on this.
Soon, I'm travelling to Iceland for a second time and really want to make sure to find this amazing ice cave! Can you tell me the location of this ice cave? That would be so much appreciated! 🙂
Thats cave looks so great, can't wait to get to Iceland one day.