Apparently all the bad press surrounding the Lunar hasn't deterred Hasselblad from their present course of skinning current Sony cameras with the expensive "H" logo and wood accents. PhotoRumors is reporting that Hasselblad will be releasing a compact camera called the "Stellar" that will just be the RX100 with some fancy aesthetic additions. Well, at least they aren't toting megapixels, right?

You can see more color options at PhotoRumors.
I suppose it could be worse. The price is expected to be between $1600 and $3200 and the RX100 is a really fine camera. But to me, this emphasis on looks over quality of camera is pretty bizarre. When other companies are trying to focus on and impress us with specs, Hasselblad is focusing on the fashionability. At least they dare to be different?
[Via PhotoRumors]
Just in time for the RX100R
I hope it's just a rumor... If not Hasselblad should send the designer to the moon. I am not sure but there are four or five true Hasselblad cameras there.
Any gun manufacturers in Detroit? Hasselblad seem to of purchased some cheap pistol grips and glued them to the Sony. Seriously what is this company doing?
Can't wait to see the A99/Hasselblad combo - Advertising giant Satchi & Satchi are working on the rollout - apparently Hasselblad is sticking with the gun theme - you can view the not released advertising mockups for this soon to be released gem here
i want one... for free...
As Swede that lives in Gothenburg, this thing with the lunar are really... embarrassing. Really really embarrassing.
Just silly. The Sonys are expensive enough without Hasselblad doing a reface. Did anybody learn anything from the automotive manufacturing branding of the 80's? Anybody that has to have a luxury branded Sony probably thought bringing back the Maybach brand was a great idea.