Trending Posts in Compositing and Photo Manipulation Group

Bulgarian Ruins, Israeli Skies...

Sky replacement project. Traveled a long way to reach this magnificent site called Buzludzha

Crazy Breakfast

Crazy Breakfast. My children love to prepare my breakfast and I love Peter Pan. This idea came up one sunday morning...


I've been doing more and more personal shoots this year with some of my favourite and most talented collaborators! I've...

Automata. Japanese action game character.

Simple composite workflow. 3 light setup, Front main & 2 side fills. Yes the tilted background is intentional.

First go at a composite

My first go at a composite using a milky way shot and beach sunset shot from the big island of hawaii.

learning about lighting and playing with photoshop

Recently saw some pictures where the photographer used model (toy) cars and edited them to look like real cars. Living...

All Work and no Play

Here's my latest composite project of a Hot Toys Harley Quinn. Thoughts?

Why I turned an alternative model into a Gothic Woman in Black

I've been a big horror fan for years. I blame my mum. She showed me messed up stuff when I was a kid. :-) So, I fancied...

2Q18 - Adverts From Another Timeline

Imagine there is another timeline where all look almost the same as it was two hundred years ago. In the streets, you...

Saturday Morning Catroon

I recently got back into building small mecha model kits like when I was a kid from the mid 90s. After building a few "...

3d composite

This one is put together in 3ds Max and rendered in Vray before being composited in photoshop with an image I took a...

Studio Shot!

Studio Shot!

Coal Dredger under the stars

I love them big ole' machines.

The Spartan

I've met this interesting model not too long ago and instantly thought his lean muscular physique and outstanding...

How I turned this day time shot into a night time bonfire scene

I was shooting a Robin Hood cosplay photo shoot recently. We had shot a few different set ups using ambient light as...

Double Exposure

I just wanted peoples thoughts on my photo here. Its not really produced in the traditional way that double exposure in...


Comments and constructive criticism is much appreciated!! This is for a photo series. Fear of long words.

Old photomanipulation

I would like to discuss some opinions!!

What´s on Tonight?

I found this specimen of rust in the forest, hidden in nowhere. The atmosphere was spooky with these lush trees in the...


Most times less is always more, i had to add ray of light to give this image more life. The ray was added in photoshop...