Trending Posts in Landscape and Nature Photography

Thoughts on These

These are both a new edit on some older photos. I was trying my hand at a new editing technique. Trying to go for that...

Oot N Aboot again...

Hey folks, couple of new vids now up from the last 2 weekends - hope you enjoy. Hope you like trees too... you shouldn'...


Im looking fo some feedback on these images What did i do right? Whats can i improve? Thanks

Middle Falls at Old Man's cave

This is in the Hocking Hills region of Ohio.

Willy's Rock

When we hear of Aklan Province, the first thing that comes to mind is Boracay Beach, a well-known attraction, and a...

A lovely lady!

I'm not real good at going out when it's really cold. A week ago, we had a -58C wind chill. A few days ago, the 'high'...

Hope you like Sparrows

Winter is a super difficult time to bird where they are mostly on the ground foraging around for seeds. Sometimes they...

Live Oak or Red Cedar

Pretty sure this tree is either a live oak or a red cedar. Either way I think it looks pretty cool. Would love to know...

Sun rays (burst-star) photography

I'm frequently inclined to do it. How often you shooting directly into the sun or avoid it?

The Evil Glacier

After a difficult night (not so well acclimated to sleep at 3146 meters) at the hohsaas bergrestaurant. We woke up at 7...

Beauty and the Beast

Hey everyone! I’m new to the fstoppers community. I do photography full-time and would love to connect with others who...

Multnomah Falls in the morning fog

Open to Critiques Canon 6D Mark II Tamron SP 24-70mm F/2.8 1/25 sec f/ 2.8 ISO 100 24mm

Central Carmen

Vega Alta, Puerto Rico Sunset Sony a6000 with 50mm 1.8 Shot at: f/8 1/3200 sec ISO 100 This picture consists of 9...

Any way I can improve the effect.

I love the mood of the image, but it lacks the amount of natural light that was needed to make this shot beautiful. Any...

An Exquisite Egret

A Great Egret allowed me to sit and photograph it during my lunch break

On the Importance of Using Perspective

Greetings fellow users of the internet. So, back in October of 2018, I had the pleasure of going up to two different...

Seemingly green colouration in clouds?

Hi everyone, This is the second time I'm having this problem. Cannot figure out what caused the seemingly green cast in...

CC of 'Breaking through the storm'

This is an image I shot a couple of years ago. I had actually traveled to shoot another location (waterfall) but wanted...

Water Lilly

Inviting Critical comments

Growth in Composition

From a cloud to this. In the two month's I've had my DSLR I think I've learned a lot. The cloud I posted yesterday was...