Equipment and Tips for Landscape Photography in the Great Outdoors

Lots of folk fall into disarray because they are not prepared for venturing into the wild. An experienced landscape photographer talks about preparation and equipment to capture outstanding landscapes in the wild hills of Cumbria.

Thomas Heaton knows what he is doing when camping in the hills. He is also an accomplished landscape photographer. In this video, he returns to a spot in the beautiful English Lake District that he had walked past on a previous expedition to Great Gable, a well-known mountain in the area. During the video, he talks about the equipment he uses and why he chose some of it. He also discusses his choice of where to pitch his tent and other practical matters for camping out in the wild.

Although this video is of particular interest for photographers who already have experience entering the mountains, there are useful hints and tips for those who choose less challenging but still isolated locations. Additionally, Thomas's manner and clear love of what he is doing make it a pleasurable and compelling watch for anyone, especially landscape photographers.

A video like this one and others from Thomas Heaton gives a good idea of what to expect from heading out into the great outdoors to capture landscape shots from remote locations. But, it should be noted that there is a lot more to reaching these remote locations than can ever be related in a video, and I would always recommend getting training or seeking a guide to take you into the hills.

I've spent a lot of my earlier life hill-walking in the UK. Although the mountains here are not as high as they are in the Americas or on mainland Europe, they are treacherous, with quickly changing weather. I've walked in blazing sunlight, thick fog, heavy rain, and snow all in one day. Luckily, here in the UK, there is a lot of awareness of the dangers and consequently, the risk of dying in the hills is low compared to cycling or horse riding. Furthermore, we have great mountain rescue teams that save a lot of lives every year. Thomas's videos contain wisdom and useful knowledge that will help keep you safe and shoot better photos.

Besides his YouTube Channel, you can view his images on Instagram, plus on his own website.

Do you head out into the great beyond? I would love to hear about your experiences. Please share any tips for photographing in the wild near where you live.

Ivor Rackham's picture

A professional photographer, website developer, and writer, Ivor lives in the North East of England. His main work is training others in photography. He has a special interest in supporting people with their mental well-being. In 2023 he accepted becoming a brand ambassador for the OM System.

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