That's right, Adobe users, they just added yet another slider into the already fairly extensive bag of tricks. There are probably several schools of thought, as to whether or not the programs needed another slider to control functions similar to sliders already present in the software.
Before you get too revved up, one way or another, it would be worth taking the next few minutes to check out this video by Nemanja Sekulic. I typically find it helpful to see how other photographers out there are using the same piece of equipment that I am, in this case it's software. Clearly the texture slider is one designed for more refinement of the finer details an image, rather than a blanket sharpener, or contrast controller. It does control contrast, but not the way you are used to adjusting contrast with either the Contrast, Clarity, or Dehaze sliders.
For those of you who spend more time adjusting the actual frequencies in an image, either through the use of frequency separation or other frequency modifications, this new slider might come in particularly handy for you. I have already found this incredibly useful for adjusting some of the finer details in landscape shots as well as putting it to use for handling skin textures in portraits. If you have already put this new adjustment slider to use, let us know what you think about it. Better yet, share some of your most recent work so we can see how the tool worked for you.
Very neat added feature! Going to have to play around with this!