Don't Lose All Your Photos! My Complete Guide to Photography Backup

I’ve worked with more and more photographers over the years, and a commonality between many of them is that they only have their photos in one place, which will inevitably lead to tragedy. If this is you, or you struggle with catalog management, or you have a bunch of unorganized drives, then this guide is for you.

If you've ever lost your data before, you know how absolutely devastating it can be when you have no plan in place for redundancy. It amazes me how often I hear many photographers, even professionals that earn their income from shooting, do not have their content backed up at all. In this video, I detail exactly how you should approach backing up any data you own that you cannot lose, including more than just your photography.

Furthermore, I highlight easy-to-follow methods for managing your photography catalogs so that you can build redundancy into your current workflow or adapt to a new one to better suit your needs. Whether you're someone with catalogs broken up into events, years, or every photo you've ever taken is in a single catalog, there's something in here for you. The truth is, my needs are likely going to be different than yours, but no matter what, you should be creating backups of your photos if they hold any value to you. Within this video, I highlight those best practices so you don't have to be a victim of data loss.

Alex Armitage's picture

Alex Armitage has traveled the world to photograph and film some of the most beautiful places it has to offer. No matter the location, perfecting it's presentation to those absent in the moment is always the goal; hopefully to transmute the feeling of being there into a visual medium.

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Excellent show and tell.

Whoa! That was a lot of info and you talk way too fast!

Playback speed to 0.75× and you are good to go.

Thank you, I just checked my backup drives and noticed that I did not have 2023 & 2024 set for backup in my settings. Almost a terabyte would be lost if I had experienced a failure, and yes, I need to have offsite storage as well!