Don’t Use a Variable Neutral Density Filter for Photography

If long exposures are preferred, there are limits to how far you can go unless you wait for darkness. The best alternative is a neutral density filter, which allows the desired long exposure at any time of day. Whatever you do, don’t use a variable neutral density filter for photography.

Using Your Camera's Pointless Features To Get The Most Out Of Your Shots

With modern technology within Adobe Camera Raw, you're limiting yourself considerably when shooting in JPEG. However, by shooting in Raw, you're removing the purpose of many of the features within the camera. Settings such as 'Picture Style' serve no real purpose when shooting in Raw, because all the adjustments added to photos, will be stripped when put on your computer. Regardless, I shoot in monochromatic, and it has helped my work considerably.

13 Incredible Examples Of Nude Body Painting

Today I stumbled upon the incredible body painting work of Emma Hack and I started surfing the web for body painting projects. I ended up finding 13 totally unique body painting projects that I believe are worth sharing.

Top 10 Winter Olympic Photographs

Most sports photographers dream of photographing the Olympics. In a global event filled with such high intensity, drama, and action, it's difficult to imagine not capturing a jaw-dropping moment. But what distinguishes the best Olympic photographs from the great?

Price Finally Announced for Highly Anticipated Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM

When Sigma first made known the existence of the 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art lens, the photography world could barely contain itself. Social media and blog comments blew up all over the net, including in the Fstoppers universe. This lens has been a subject of intense conversation for the past few weeks, nothing more debatable than speculation of pricing. Speculate no more. Sigma has revealed the pricing, and you're not going to believe it.

Nikon Announces the D850: Yes, It's an Amazing Camera

We'll have to wait to get our hands on one to see if this camera really can be the Swiss army knife of DSLRs that it seems to be, but we now have details from Nikon's official D850 announcement, including the U.S. price.

We Review the BenQ PD3205U Monitor: Affordable, Yet Spectacular

A studio monitor is a great companion to any creative’s workflow. Without any doubt, the BenQ PD3205U is one of those monitors that combine the right amount of features, while also being affordable for a creator who doesn’t want to spend thousands for a studio monitor. Having tested the BenQ PD3205U, here is our review.

New DJI Drone: Possible Specifications and Features

DJI will announce a new product on Tuesday. Based on the short teaser published a few days ago, we know that this product will be a foldable drone. Everything beyond that is unknown. However, we can analyze DJI's past strategy and actual technological development to estimate the possible specifications and features that this new drone may offer.

LitePanels Announces an On-Location Battery Solution for its Hilio Fixture

Many of you probably love the Vagabond/Einstein combination, and for good reason: it rocks. That said, constant lighting for video can still be a pain when you want to take the show on the road. LitePanels, who make some pretty great LED fixtures, has attempted to address this by combining one of their lights with Anton/Bauer’s portable power solutions to go beyond normal limitations.

Give Your Colors a Nice Kick With This Lightroom Trick

The great thing about the program Lightroom is that there are usually a number of different ways to accomplish a task. In this video I show you one fantastic way to create some nice colors in your photo by using a slider tool that you might not have even touched before. As I usually do the video is short - about 2 minutes - and I've provided some samples below to see a before and after as well as steps for those that prefer to read it versus watch a video.

Those of Us at the Dawn of Digital Screwed Up a Generation of Photos

Like many 30-somethings, I came of age during a time when photography was transitioning from film to pixels. Entire years of my life were captured with early consumer and professional-grade digital cameras, and now I’m left feeling like that was a big mistake.

Portraits Of Extreme Plastic Surgery (NSFW)

This post contains nudity.

Phillip Toledano's series A New Kind of Beauty, is a harrowing look at individuals who go through an extreme amount of plastic surgery to modify their bodies.

"I’m interested in what we define as beauty, when we choose to create it ourselves. Beauty has always been a currency, and now that we finally have the technological means to mint our own, what choices do we make?"

Is This the Perfect Camera Backpack for Hiking and Travel?

About two years ago, my long search for a new camera backpack ended as I stumbled upon a company called NYA-EVO. In this article, I review their biggest backpack, the Fjord 60-C. After two years of heavy use for traveling and hiking, I feel competent enough to share why I think it's the perfect camera backpack.

Another Day, Another Band Angry at Photographers: Three Days Grace

If you've been paying attention to photo news this week you know that concert photographer, Rohan Anderson, was in a little bit of a internet-war with the band Red Jumpsuit Apparatus after they "borrowed" an image for a social media post without credit or compensation. Now it looks like another group is jumping on the bandwagon.

The Change From DSLR to Mirrorless Is Not Like Film to Digital

Many compare the rapid rise of mirrorless cameras to the days when digital overtook film. But how different are DSLRs and mirrorless cameras? Well, not that different when compared to the change from film to digital photography. Let's see what changes were made from film to digital and how they compare to the current "giant leap" in technology.

Say Yes To Noon Sun - Create Amazing Portraits With One Simple Tool

I've been there, standing in the middle of a field on a hot day with a scorching sun, mulling back and forth on how to capture a quality shot. In the back of my mind, I'm wishing for some cloud cover or an overcast sky to magically move in. A commercial client or art director doesn't care what time it is, they just want the right image. It’s up to you to capture that image with the weather Mother Nature has dealt.

Is the Sony a7 IV About to Be Released and Will It Have a Flip Screen?

With the Sony a7 III having proven so popular since its launch in February 2018, its successor is eagerly anticipated. An announcement on the a7 IV might be coming very soon and there’s a huge amount of speculation as to what features Sony plans to include. Will it finally have the flippy screen that YouTubers have been begging for?

Where It All Went Wrong: Nikon's Strategic Failures

Nikon was the darling of the camera industry. At the leading edge of technological development, they introduced the F mount to great acclaim, alongside some top-notch glass. Pros flocked to their system, and the amateurs followed. So, where did it go wrong?

The Canon EOS R3 Can Now Shoot an Incredible 195 FPS

The Canon EOS R3 was no slouch to begin with, with the ability to shoot 30 fps continuous bursts. With a new firmware update, however, Canon is blowing the doors off that speed with a new firmware update that allows the EOS R3 to shoot at a whopping 195 fps.

Updated: Is The U.S Forest Service About To Charge Photographers To Take Photos?

Today, the team at Oregon Live exposed a new rule proposed by the United States Forest Service, that, if passed, will take effect in November. The rule calls for any member of the "media" to first apply for a permit before being allowed to take photos or video on 193 million acres of designated wilderness areas. Oh, and by the way, the permit costs $1,500.

I Spent 50 Dollars on Instagram and This Is What Happened

For those of us trying to expand our social media presence, Instagram has been the king for quite some time. So what happens when you put a little money into promoting yourself on Instagram? I tried it and here are the results.

Sharpening With Blur - Bring Back Insane Detail With This Quick Technique

Sharpening is a mystery to many, some do it well and others don't. There are quite a few methods to sharpen an image including the use of a High Pass Filter, Unsharp Mask, Smart Sharpen and Camera Shake Removal in Adobe Photoshop CC. However, it’s similar to hearing nails on a chalkboard when I see an image that is over sharpened. I'm no saint, I'm certainly guilty of cranking Unsharp Mask, I just never found the right solution. Until now.

Fuji Refocuses Away From Photography

Fujifilm — the clue is in the name, except it isn't. Fuji was a behemoth in the film world, with Kodak its only rival. And then film went bust, and Kodak rapidly followed suit. Meanwhile, Fuji evaluated its business position and refocused principally around the healthcare sector and document management divisions. The architect of this remarkable turnaround was Chairman and CEO Shigetaka Komori. His retirement in March 2021 has precipitated changes that could have repercussions for its Imaging Solutions division.