A Message to All Artists: Use Photoshop Responsibly

In recent years Photoshop has garnered more negative attention than any other platform that is utilized for image manipulation. Photoshop can be used to create unnatural product resulting in unrealistic expectations. As photographers and retouchers, we have the power to control what the media perceives as attractive.

Leaked Images Show Video Features of the EOS R5 Might Be What We Hoped For

The EOS R5 is probably the most eagerly anticipated camera that Canon has ever announced. The initial rumors were mostly scoffed at and described as nonsense, and I assumed the same. As more and more information gets released about this camera, concerns about its performance and specifications continue to be dispelled.

Stop Being a Lazy Photographer and Straighten Your Horizons

Photography is an art form that combines technical skill with creative vision, and among the fundamental principles that every photographer should master is the art of straightening horizons. Yet, it's a common oversight, often dismissed as a minor detail. It's a pet peeve of mine and is something that is easily avoided. Let's delve into the significance of level horizons in photography, explore the reasons why they often go unnoticed, and provide practical tips on how to break the habit of being a lazy photographer by ensuring your horizons are straight.

Tips on How to Choose Your Next Lens for Photography

One of the questions that crops up often on photography forums, sites, and even in photography conversations over a pint is "which lens should I buy next?" It is said with such sincerity and met with so many recommendations that are, in the end, mostly meaningless. It even rears its ugly head in the form of "What is the best lens for 'X' photography?", as though somehow, another person's answer will guide the asker to greatness.

Unleashing the Power of Wide Angle Photography: We Review the Fujifilm 8-16mm f/2.8 Lens

When I got the opportunity to test out this lens, I jumped at the chance. An ultra-wide angle zoom at f/2.8 would be great for so many different photographic applications: landscape, architectural, interior, astrophotography, events, creative, and video, to name a few. Did I get the opportunity to test it out with all of these? No, but what I did get to try certainly produced the results.

Make Photoshoot Scouting Easy With This Simple Phone Hack

Never forget where that perfect shooting spot is ever again! If you're like me, location scouting is something that is never an oversight. In previous articles, I've often written that preparation will make or break a photo shoot, it is essential. With that said, this simple and rather obvious hack that I discovered will make the preparation process that much easier!

Nobody Cares About Your Photography Until You Make Them

Recently, Ted Forbes over at The Art of Photography posted a rather interesting video that challenges the pervasive axiom of the artistic world that the action of making art will inevitably translate to an audience valuing and appreciating your work. Forbes asserts that our society is so saturated with creative content makers that it is nearly impossible to create photography that people care about unless you are pushing beyond the normal limits and expectations of what is already present in the world. I agree with this on the surface; however, I also feel that it doesn't tell the entire story.

Watch As Photographer And Digital Artist Erik Johansson Creates A Gorgeous And Surreal Landscape Scene

We've featured Erik Johansson's Ted Talk before, as he is a digital artist and photographer who is on the cutting edge of his genre. Using clever pre-visualization and a lot of Photoshop, Erik is able to create some brain-melting pieces. In this BTS video, he'll show you how he created one of his newest pieces, titled Cut & Fold. Be sure to check out Erik's Website if you haven't before, it's well worth a look for any aspiring creative.

If Fuji's Instax Is the Cash Cow, Should It Produce Digital Cameras?

Fuji's Instax line of products — the legacy of its film heyday — is successful. They've sold more than 50 million cameras, with 10 million alone in the 2019 business year. However, more than that, it's the financial powerhouse for its Imaging division, turning over twice as much money as its digital counterpart. It's strange to think that film is where the money is, but for Fuji, that is the case. So, why is it making digital cameras?

Fstoppers Answers - What is Your Favorite Light Modifier?

In our newest series, we're inviting you the viewer to ask a weekly question for the writers of Fstoppers. Last week, we touched base on what we each individually believe commercial photography to be. Coming from different fields of photography, we all shared similar thoughts on the subject, but with different arguments and approaches.

For the second installment, we're asking each of our staff 'What is The One Light Modifier You Couldn't Live Without?'.


There is such a lot of talk going around about branding. But what exactly is your brand, and how do you use it to help you reach a wider audience and market your photography? Your brand is the core of your marketing, the central theme around your photography. Your brand is not your logo or your company name, unless of course you are Apple or Nike.

Is APS-C/Full Frame the Best Sensor Strategy for Camera Manufacturers?

Manufacturing a product range focused upon APS-C and full frame (FF) ILCs is one of those strategic decisions that seems set in stone. If Canon and Nikon think it's a good differentiator for consumers, then it must be an industry standard that is broadly followed by everyone. However, the camera market is more nuanced than this and has some surprising origins. So, what is the best strategy?

How to Speed Up Your Culling Process

With the wedding season right around the corner, it is time to find a solution to improve last year’s workflow. Most event photographers complain about the same thing: culling. It can quickly become a very time-consuming task, and it is far from being the most interesting part of the job. Although, there are a few ways to help speed up the process while retaining a solid quality control.

Getting Started With Camera Drones: How One Small Rig Can Add So Much Production Value

Aerial videos that have been shot by drones have been flooding YouTube for the last few years, especially as the cost and expertise needed to get into it has come down. A birds-eye point of view can add a lot of production value to a video project, but where does one start when looking to get into aerial video? I spoke with Brent Foster who told me about the doors that shooting aerial video can open, as well as the challenges they present.

Hands-On With the Nikon D5: The Best All-Around Body Money Can Buy

It’s easy to be astounded by statistics such as 14 fps and ISO 3,000,000. But when you put everything that Nikon’s latest flagship body offers together, you get a machine that is the first of its kind, and that's really thanks to the combination of two features Nikon obviously pushed to new heights: autofocus, and — yes — ISO sensitivity (which has itself been a point of controversy for the Nikon D5).

Why Doesn't Sony Sell a Pro Mirrorless Body?

If there's one thing that's certain with Nikon and Canon's product lines, it's the availability of a professional specification camera body. With their pivot to mirrorless, it's understandable that they haven't released a MILC version yet. So why doesn't Sony have a pro-spec body?

The Art of Lightroom Catalog Management

Lightroom is a great tool for photographers of all types, in addition to the powerful suite of editing tools at your disposal, there is a robust cataloging system to help you keep your collection manageable and easily navigable. But with the ability to create and manage an infinite number of separate catalogs, how exactly should one consider spliting up their collection, if at all?

Suren Manvelyan: The Person Behind ‘Your Beautiful Eyes’ Extreme Macro Photography

I have known Suren Manvelyan for more than 10 years. When I first met him, I was a graphic designer who was fascinated by photography and he was a physics teacher at school who was looking for opportunities to grow as a photographer. We used to gather with our small Armenian photographer’s community each Friday to share experiences, discuss photography, and develop our skills. Years passed, a lot of the enthusiasts gave up and only a few stayed faithful to their art. Suren, on his behalf, not only grew to a professional photographer, but also didn’t give up on his other interests.

What It Takes to Create an Award-Winning Photograph

What does it take to win an internationally respected photography competition? A few weeks ago, the Sony World Photo Awards announced their winners, one of whom was Fstoppers community member Mikkel Beiter, who won two awards: Open Travel and Denmark National Award. We caught up with him to find out about his work and his prize-winning photograph.

Fox News Fails at Photoshopping Fake News

Fox News has been accused of deliberately manipulating photographs in order to mislead its audience during its coverage of the ongoing Black Lives Matters protests.

3 Important Things That Will Improve Your Landscape Photo

Even if you’re standing in the middle of a great-looking landscape, it can be difficult to make an inspiring photo. Many people feel the need to capture as much as possible in one single frame, but that’s not the solution. Keep these three things in mind, and your landscape photo will improve a lot.

Be Ready to Pay More for Your Photo Equipment

One of the great benefits of buying gear online is the ability to buy cameras, expensive lenses, etc. and not have to pay sales tax (if ordered from out of state). That all appears to be changing now.

Steve McCurry Tells His “Untold” Stories

Magnum photographer Steve McCurry is one of the heavyweights in National Geographic's stable of assignment photographers with more than 13 books to his credit. "Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs" by Phaidon Press is not a visual feast for the coffee table but an insightful, autobiographic look at 14 of McCurry's select images including the famous Afghani Girl. “Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs” explores McCurry’s archive including handwritten notes and records and his personal mementos and ephemera from travels abroad.

With Tons of Features Is the Isteady M6 Gimbal the Best Yet?

Mobile phones have become more advanced and are capable of capturing high-quality video footage, and with that mobile phone gimbals have also become increasingly popular and are a game changer for content creators, vloggers, and anyone who wants to capture professional quality footage.

Why You Should Email Photos To Your Baby

Have you ever thought what will happen in 10 or 20 years to all those digital images you take every day? Have you ever thought what photos the younger generation of your family will have access to when they grow up? We all pretty much stopped printing photos and making real photo albums because we just don't need to do it anymore (and because we are lazy). So what can be done to make those photos available and easily accessible to next generations? Here is my solution.

Seven Ways to Stretch More Life Out of Your Photography Gear During Tough Times

Almost everyone goes through times when the belt need to be tightened because money just isn’t abundant. During these times when income dips, we need to take care to avoid spending as much as possible. Photography, however, is an expensive vocation that seems to be an endless drain on the bank account. It becomes increasingly helpful to avoid having to replace gear you already own due to wear or damage.

The Creative Photography Medium You Haven't Heard Of

Electrophotography is a medium that was never intended to be used for photography. Electrophotography, later changed to xerography, was originally intended for use as a photocopier. This video follows Tom Carpenter as he uses the electrophotography method to create a portrait. The results certainly won't be putting Canon out of business, but they are interesting from a creative and experimental photography standpoint.