The Art of Lightroom Catalog Management

Lightroom is a great tool for photographers of all types, in addition to the powerful suite of editing tools at your disposal, there is a robust cataloging system to help you keep your collection manageable and easily navigable. But with the ability to create and manage an infinite number of separate catalogs, how exactly should one consider spliting up their collection, if at all?

Suren Manvelyan: The Person Behind ‘Your Beautiful Eyes’ Extreme Macro Photography

I have known Suren Manvelyan for more than 10 years. When I first met him, I was a graphic designer who was fascinated by photography and he was a physics teacher at school who was looking for opportunities to grow as a photographer. We used to gather with our small Armenian photographer’s community each Friday to share experiences, discuss photography, and develop our skills. Years passed, a lot of the enthusiasts gave up and only a few stayed faithful to their art. Suren, on his behalf, not only grew to a professional photographer, but also didn’t give up on his other interests.

What It Takes to Create an Award-Winning Photograph

What does it take to win an internationally respected photography competition? A few weeks ago, the Sony World Photo Awards announced their winners, one of whom was Fstoppers community member Mikkel Beiter, who won two awards: Open Travel and Denmark National Award. We caught up with him to find out about his work and his prize-winning photograph.

Fox News Fails at Photoshopping Fake News

Fox News has been accused of deliberately manipulating photographs in order to mislead its audience during its coverage of the ongoing Black Lives Matters protests.

3 Important Things That Will Improve Your Landscape Photo

Even if you’re standing in the middle of a great-looking landscape, it can be difficult to make an inspiring photo. Many people feel the need to capture as much as possible in one single frame, but that’s not the solution. Keep these three things in mind, and your landscape photo will improve a lot.

Steve McCurry Tells His “Untold” Stories

Magnum photographer Steve McCurry is one of the heavyweights in National Geographic's stable of assignment photographers with more than 13 books to his credit. "Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs" by Phaidon Press is not a visual feast for the coffee table but an insightful, autobiographic look at 14 of McCurry's select images including the famous Afghani Girl. “Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs” explores McCurry’s archive including handwritten notes and records and his personal mementos and ephemera from travels abroad.

Be Ready to Pay More for Your Photo Equipment

One of the great benefits of buying gear online is the ability to buy cameras, expensive lenses, etc. and not have to pay sales tax (if ordered from out of state). That all appears to be changing now.

With Tons of Features Is the Isteady M6 Gimbal the Best Yet?

Mobile phones have become more advanced and are capable of capturing high-quality video footage, and with that mobile phone gimbals have also become increasingly popular and are a game changer for content creators, vloggers, and anyone who wants to capture professional quality footage.

Why You Should Email Photos To Your Baby

Have you ever thought what will happen in 10 or 20 years to all those digital images you take every day? Have you ever thought what photos the younger generation of your family will have access to when they grow up? We all pretty much stopped printing photos and making real photo albums because we just don't need to do it anymore (and because we are lazy). So what can be done to make those photos available and easily accessible to next generations? Here is my solution.

Seven Ways to Stretch More Life Out of Your Photography Gear During Tough Times

Almost everyone goes through times when the belt need to be tightened because money just isn’t abundant. During these times when income dips, we need to take care to avoid spending as much as possible. Photography, however, is an expensive vocation that seems to be an endless drain on the bank account. It becomes increasingly helpful to avoid having to replace gear you already own due to wear or damage.

The Creative Photography Medium You Haven't Heard Of

Electrophotography is a medium that was never intended to be used for photography. Electrophotography, later changed to xerography, was originally intended for use as a photocopier. This video follows Tom Carpenter as he uses the electrophotography method to create a portrait. The results certainly won't be putting Canon out of business, but they are interesting from a creative and experimental photography standpoint.

A Closer Behind the Scenes Look at Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

This weekend I had the privilege of taking my family to go see James Gunn's new Marvel epic Guardians of the Galaxy. The summer blockbuster has been hugely anticipated by both Marvel fans and science fiction fans world-wide. I'm happy to say that the movie did not disappoint expectations. In this behind the scenes b-roll video we get an up-close look at how the movie was shot.

Photographers: Stop Trying So Hard

I’m not going to lie, sometimes I feel like photographers try too hard. Don’t get me wrong, we all need to try to improve ourselves, and that I completely agree with. It’s a new year, and with that comes new challenges and new opportunities for us to better ourselves as creatives. Challenges aren’t supposed to be easy, and are certainly supposed to push you to step outside your comfy little box.

A Better Way to Fix Snow’s Blue Color Cast in Photoshop

Snowy region shooters rejoice, there exists a way to completely get rid of all blue snow in your photographs! I know what you’re thinking: just adjust the white balance in any ol' image processor. Unfortunately, you will find that using this method is only winning half the battle for many images. In a few easy steps, you’ll learn how to make any winter photo much more pleasing to the eye.

The Importance of Experimentation

There is a fine line between having a well defined photographic style, and constantly putting out the same stale, boring work week after week. A fine and dangerous line. A line that can make the difference between being a successful, inspiring photographer and a photographer who has lost his audience and has even lost interest in his/her own work.

The WD My Passport Pro Thunderbolt HDD is Beastly in Weight & Performance

WD, of the Western Digital Company, released what I thought to be an outstanding addition to their line: a thunderbolt-powered dual hard drive that promised speeds of up to 233 MB/s. No additional cables, small, user-selectable RAID and fast? The My Passport Pro looked like it could easily be the road-version of my Lacie d2. But it's more than that. It replaced my Lacie.

Take Control With This Lightroom Classic Startup Setting

Many Lightroom Classic users have one catalog, and that's perfectly fine. However, others have several catalogs or even a different catalog for each shoot they do. Regardless of which you are, this tip may save you some time and make your Lightroom time more productive.

How This Amazing Film Was Shot Entirely on an iPhone

The old photographers’ saying, “It’s not the camera, it’s the photographer” sounds like a self-serving flattery when it comes out of the mouth of a photographer, yet has never been more accurate than today. Its ironic how, as a professional photographer, I posses the knowledge of manipulating the most sophisticated gear and cameras available, yet when I shoot an image on the iPhone the resulting image is an embarrassment. Rushing to my defense I’ll utter each time, “I’m a terrible iPhone photographer…” So when I see amazing images, shot with the iPhone, I’m impressed with what can be achieved.

How to Buy Photography and Video Gear on a Budget

Buying the right gear for you is not only a question of money. Sometimes the wisest decisions are made within a tight budget, while the stupidest choices may be made when finances are abundant. In this article I'd like to share with you my process of buying new gear for my photography and video projects.

Lowepro Finally Builds Hard Cases... Would They Make Me Give Up My Pelicans?

Though they are excellent for photographers, Pelican seemed to fall into the industry rather than build specifically for it. But with options between the ubiquitous Velcro inserts and foam, there hasn't been a lot to complain about in the design and function. They do exactly what they claim to, extremely well. However after using Lowepro's first attempt at hard cases, I can now see room for improvement. I think the perfect hard case is somewhere in between the two brands' offerings, but Lowepro is closer to the mark.

Tether Tools Offers Apology for Using Image Without Permission

If you've been in the photo industry long, you've certainly at least seen the bright orange USB cables marketed by Tether Tools. Along with their high-visibility cables and other tools for tethering your camera to a computer and otherwise having a secure workstation while shooting, they are, apparently, a company that still has some semblance of a moral compass -- a rarity, it seems, for large companies in 2017.

Thinking Of Crowdfunding Your Next Video Project? Learn From My Failed Attempt

I recently wrapped up a kickstarter project that was trying to raise $10,000 for the production of a documentary film. During its 30-day run, and weeks of planning that went into it beforehand, I got my own crash course in fundraising and marketing. I’ll share what I learned in this article.

Canon Patents Two More Extreme Lenses

A theme of Canon's RF lens philosophy has been taking some standard, well-established designs and pushing them to new extremes, such as the 28-70mm f/2 zoom or replacing the 300mm f/2.8 prime with the new 100-300mm f/2.8L. It seems like they have no intention of slowing down, with more extreme patents now emerging.

We Review Capture One for iPad

This review is for you if you’re a Capture One Pro user and are wondering if the iPad version is worth adding to your workflow. It is also for those who don’t yet use Capture One but are looking for a budget-friendly introduction to it and already own an iPad. I will be looking at the application’s features, pros and cons, and comparing them to the desktop version.

Creativity To Clients – 5 Steps To Grow Your Clientele

Some may say it’s quite the phenomenon. I only shoot commercial and editorial fashion and I seem to make a living out of it without shooting weddings, families, babies or seniors. I don’t live in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles and I don’t travel like George Clooney in the film “Up In The Air.” The number one question I’m asked on a daily basis: “Clay, how do I get more paying clients?”