Ed Sanford's picture

"Towers" in Torres del Paine

I was in the Patagonia 3 years ago. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy and hazy day. I never processed this shot until recently. The new de haze and texture tools allowed me to express the "minds image" that was my purpose when I took this shot.

Canon 5DSR
55 · f/16 · 1/50th · ISO 100
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Nice shot, Ed. I like the clouds and mist, both of which are a common occurrence for this location, so I've told. These are not the Towers though, the Torres. They are the "Horns," the Cuernos. I thought for the longest time that these were the Torres and was only enlightened recently by a friend of mine. The Torres are nearby.

Interesting.... the guide we had said they were. Thanks for commenting