Ed Sanford's picture

Velvet Sands

The one constant in the desert is change. The sunlight, winds, and time of day give character to the sand and dunes in the desert. In the cool of morning and evening, it often takes on a "velvety" blue color in the shadows and yet maintains a fiery orange where the sun strikes it.

Fujiflim GFX 100s
500mm · f/11 · 1/640 sec · ISO 6400
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Ed, your best Shara dune image yet!

Thanks….. it was hidden…. I am still going through them….😃

I hear you ... almost makes you relish 36 exp. rolls rather than GB of files ;)


Gorgeous! Hopefully I can make it to Death Valley next month. Really nice shot Ed.

Unfortunately, I had to cancel my trip. I was doing this last minute and there were no places close by that had accommodations. My point in going out was to pick up my grandson to bring him back to North Carolina for spring break. So, I was going to fly in to Vegas, drive DV for 3 days then go back to Vegas and get a flight to LA. Since I couldn't stay close enough to make good use of my time, I just nixed the whole thing. I'll probably do it next year.

The prices are outrageous. We will stay at a dump across the border in Nevada otherwise wifey would veto. If you are serious my suggestion is to look at booking now. I waited too late.


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