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Scott Choucino
Leicester, Leicestershire, GB

Articles written by Scott Choucino

TFP and Model Photographers: The Truth Behind the Fake Profession

The internet has sold photographers the lie that there is a profession to be had photographing models, "model photography." After reading the comments section in a recent article, I thought I would try to shed some light on the matter.

I Had My YouTube Channel Stolen

I have spent the last four months working on a YouTube channel. Despite two-step authentication, I had my channel stolen. Here is what has happened and how it has been dealt with by Google.

8 Ways Your Website is Holding You Back

Photography websites are here to stay, despite social media's best efforts. Having a website is really affordable and simple in 2020, but there are several faux pas that could be stopping your viewers from booking you.

5 Great Pieces of Photography Advice I Have Received

I have been fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of some great advice over the years. In this article, I go over the five bits that have resonated the most with me and that I think of on every shoot.

Behind the Scenes of a Drink Photoshoot

In this video, I go behind the scenes on a drink photography photoshoot working with stylist Natalie Garforth, from set-building through to post-production with a professional retoucher.

5 Tasks to Complete Before Starting Your Year

2020 is underway, and there are a few tasks you should look at doing before you really get into the year. These jobs will save you time and give you a great starting point for the year.

How to Get Your First Paying Job

Getting your first paying job is without a doubt the hardest task you will ever complete as a professional photographer. In this video, I give my advice on how to obtain your first paying client.

The Importance of Good Taste to Being a Successful Photographer

There seems to be a black hole of information on the topic of taste when it comes to photography, despite it being critical for what most of us strive to achieve. In making this video, I discovered why it's such an avoided topic.

Why Capture One Is Better for Professionals

We all know that Lightroom has its ever-growing list of issues. Yet for IT-illiterate folk like myself, the change can be daunting. However, my move to C1 is perhaps the best thing I have done in 2019.

Four Tips for Photographing Christmas Day

I am not an event photographer; the thought of doing so brings out in me a flush of anxiety and perspiration. However, as Christmas Day approaches, being the camera owner of the family, I am thrust into the position. Here are four tips for getting through the day.

How to Deal with Price Cutting Photographers

We have all been there, you pitch for a job and some other photographer has come in so much cheaper than you that the client would be a fool to not go with them. In this video I go over how to deal with these photographers.

Behind the Scenes on a Food Photoshoot

Food photography is a bit of a dark art. In this video, I go behind the scenes on a test shoot with a food stylist at my food photography studio in the UK. Looking at the styling, lighting, and process that creates a day's work.

Don't Skimp on These Five Items

Photography is expensive, although there are many areas where we can save and cut corners. However, these five items are certainly things that you don't want to skimp on.

3 Ways to Set Up an Overhead Camera Rig

Big flat lays are very much in trend both commercially and with social media. Here are three ways that I set up the camera on an overhead rig as well as their pros and cons.

Six Items You Can Skimp On

Photography can be an expensive game, but there are some bits of kit that you really don’t need to spend big money on. Here are six bits of kit you can skimp on.

Why Available Light Photographers Should Learn Flash

Before I knew anything about flash, I ranted at everyone about how I was an available light photographer. Now that I understand flash, I can safely say that I understand available light.

Zeiss Milvus 100mm f/2M ZF.2 Macro Lens Review

I couldn't find a great deal about this lens online, so I thought I would film a review with a of mixture of test shots and looking at how I have used the lens in my own portfolio. Here are my thoughts.

How to Get Your First Ad Campaign

Photography is a tough profession to get into. Just knowing how to get from A to B can be half of the battle. In this article I go over 3 tips to help get your first ad campaign.