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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

What Is Your Photography Horror Story?

Spend enough time as a photographer, and you are likely to encounter situations that range from strange, to cringeworthy, to downright scary. In this article, Fstoppers writers share their personal horror stories. Be sure to tell us yours as well!

Sigma Is Focusing on Mirrorless Lenses From Now On

Sigma remade their image as a lens manufacturer by creating high quality, sharp DSLR lenses that undercut the prices of equivalent first party offerings. They have expanded into the mirrorless space with similar success, and now, the company has confirmed it will be focusing the majority of its attention on mirrorless developments in the future.

Canon's High-Resolution Mirrorless Camera Is Being Tested by Select Photographers

Recently, with rumors of the Canon 5DS and 5DS R being discontinued, there was talk around the industry of Canon possibly bringing a 150-megapixel monster to the market. More news has emerged that the high-resolution camera is being tested by a chosen few photographers, and while it is not 150 megapixels, it will certainly bring buckets of detail.

An Eighth Grader Takes on a Professional Photographer

We often see videos that pit amateur photographers against professionals, but the twist of this one is showing what a photographer in eighth grade can accomplish when shooting against a professional. It is quite impressive!

What Is Exposure Compensation and How Does It Work?

A fundamental function that you can find on pretty much any camera is exposure compensation, and depending on how you shoot, it can be a crucial aspect of your workflow. This excellent video will introduce you to exposure compensation, explaining what it is and how you can use it in your own work.

9 Ideas and Tips for Springtime Landscape Photography

Spring is just around the corner, and as the weather finally starts to warm up and life begins to blossom, it is a great time to grab your camera and head outside. This excellent video will give you nine helpful tips and ideas for landscape photography during the springtime.

How to Shoot Landscape Photography in Bad Weather

When you see great landscape photos, you probably notice that most of them show scenes lit by gorgeous sun and graced by beautiful weather, but of course, the reality is that the weather does not always cooperate that much, and for many of us, it rarely does. This excellent video discusses the importance of embracing poor weather as a landscape photographer.

High Quality Continuous Lighting: Fstoppers Reviews the Broncolor LED F160

Continuous LED lights have made a ton of progress in the last few years, and they have become more powerful and versatile than ever, making them a viable alternative to strobes in a lot of situations. In this review, we will take a look at the Broncolor LED F160, a compact, high quality option.

What Is the Right Camera for You?

It is great just how many cameras are on the market right now, but at the same time, the number of options can be a bit overwhelming. If you are looking to invest in a camera and a bit unsure of what is right for you, this helpful video will run you through a range of things you should consider and understand before you pull out your credit card for that shiny new toy.

How Many Strangers Could You Get to Agree to a Portrait in 10 Minutes?

Street photography can be a difficult genre when it comes to the interactions, and it definitely takes a certain brave personality to approach strangers and ask them to take their portrait. If given 10 minutes, how many portraits do you think you would be able to take? This fun video follows a couple photographers as they take that exact challenge.

Could You Shoot Portraits at 16mm?

Ask any photographer what their preferred focal length for portraiture work is, and they will probably say 85mm or maybe 135mm. Certainly, few will say 35mm or something even wider. Do you think you could shoot portraits at 16mm? This fun video follows photographers as they challenge themselves to shoot a variety of subjects at an ultra-wide focal length.

The Joy of Seeing the World in Full Color for the First Time

As photographers, we appreciate the importance and the simple joy of experiencing the world in full color. However, for about five percent of the population, color blindness prevents that experience and affects their everyday lives. One company is hoping to change that, and I was lucky enough to witness firsthand the way they are improving people's lives.

What Is It That Makes a Good Landscape Photo?

If you are new to landscape photography, it can be tricky trying to bring together all the elements that make a good image. This excellent video discusses the process behind making a wide variety of landscape photos and everything that makes them successful images.

A First Look at the New Tamron 70-180mm F/2.8 DI III VXD Lens

Tamron's recent zoom lenses for Sony have been highly popular, and many photographers are waiting for the 70-180mm F/2.8 DI III VXD to hit the market. This video takes a quick first look at the new lens and what you can expect from it.

3 Lesser Known But Useful Lightroom Features

Lightroom is an intricate program full of lots of capabilities, and it can be easy to overlook some features. This great video discusses three lesser known capabilities in the program that will help you take your edits further and make your workflow more efficient.

f/1.2 for Cheap: Using Vintage Canon Lenses on the EOS R

Canon's new RF lenses are spectacular, but they are also very expensive, and you might not want to drop thousands of dollars on just one. The great thing is that the company has a very rich history of quality optics, and you can adapt pretty much any older Canon lens to their newer cameras. This video shows you what you can expect when adapting the FD 50mm f/1.2L lens to the EOS R.

A Great Bit of Photography Advice I Wish I Had Heard as a Beginner

The internet is absolutely inundated with advice on how to be a better photographer, and that is a great thing for the most part. Nonetheless, this great video told me something that I never heard as a beginner, and I would have progressed a lot quicker as a photographer if I had.